
Pica to Barleycorn Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
picas to barleycorns
0.1≈ 0.05003940106383
0.11≈ 0.055043341170213
0.12≈ 0.060047281276596
0.13≈ 0.065051221382979
0.14≈ 0.070055161489362
0.15≈ 0.075059101595745
0.16≈ 0.080063041702128
0.17≈ 0.085066981808511
0.18≈ 0.090070921914894
0.19≈ 0.095074862021277
0.20≈ 0.10007880212766
0.21≈ 0.10508274223404
0.22≈ 0.11008668234043
0.23≈ 0.11509062244681
0.24≈ 0.12009456255319
0.25≈ 0.12509850265957
0.26≈ 0.13010244276596
0.27≈ 0.13510638287234
0.28≈ 0.14011032297872
0.29≈ 0.14511426308511
0.30≈ 0.15011820319149
0.31≈ 0.15512214329787
0.32≈ 0.16012608340426
0.33≈ 0.16513002351064
0.34≈ 0.17013396361702
0.35≈ 0.1751379037234
0.36≈ 0.18014184382979
0.37≈ 0.18514578393617
0.38≈ 0.19014972404255
0.39≈ 0.19515366414894
0.40≈ 0.20015760425532
0.41≈ 0.2051615443617
0.42≈ 0.21016548446809
0.43≈ 0.21516942457447
0.44≈ 0.22017336468085
0.45≈ 0.22517730478723
0.46≈ 0.23018124489362
0.47≈ 0.235185185
0.48≈ 0.24018912510638
0.49≈ 0.24519306521277
0.50≈ 0.25019700531915
0.51≈ 0.25520094542553
0.52≈ 0.26020488553191
0.53≈ 0.2652088256383
0.54≈ 0.27021276574468
0.55 - 0.99
picas to barleycorns
0.55≈ 0.27521670585106
0.56≈ 0.28022064595745
0.57≈ 0.28522458606383
0.58≈ 0.29022852617021
0.59≈ 0.2952324662766
0.60≈ 0.30023640638298
0.61≈ 0.30524034648936
0.62≈ 0.31024428659574
0.63≈ 0.31524822670213
0.64≈ 0.32025216680851
0.65≈ 0.32525610691489
0.66≈ 0.33026004702128
0.67≈ 0.33526398712766
0.68≈ 0.34026792723404
0.69≈ 0.34527186734043
0.70≈ 0.35027580744681
0.71≈ 0.35527974755319
0.72≈ 0.36028368765957
0.73≈ 0.36528762776596
0.74≈ 0.37029156787234
0.75≈ 0.37529550797872
0.76≈ 0.38029944808511
0.77≈ 0.38530338819149
0.78≈ 0.39030732829787
0.79≈ 0.39531126840426
0.80≈ 0.40031520851064
0.81≈ 0.40531914861702
0.82≈ 0.4103230887234
0.83≈ 0.41532702882979
0.84≈ 0.42033096893617
0.85≈ 0.42533490904255
0.86≈ 0.43033884914894
0.87≈ 0.43534278925532
0.88≈ 0.4403467293617
0.89≈ 0.44535066946809
0.90≈ 0.45035460957447
0.91≈ 0.45535854968085
0.92≈ 0.46036248978723
0.93≈ 0.46536642989362
0.94≈ 0.47037037
0.95≈ 0.47537431010638
0.96≈ 0.48037825021277
0.97≈ 0.48538219031915
0.98≈ 0.49038613042553
0.99≈ 0.49539007053191
1.00 - 1.44
picas to barleycorns
1.00≈ 0.5003940106383
1.01≈ 0.50539795074468
1.02≈ 0.51040189085106
1.03≈ 0.51540583095745
1.04≈ 0.52040977106383
1.05≈ 0.52541371117021
1.06≈ 0.5304176512766
1.07≈ 0.53542159138298
1.08≈ 0.54042553148936
1.09≈ 0.54542947159574
1.10≈ 0.55043341170213
1.11≈ 0.55543735180851
1.12≈ 0.56044129191489
1.13≈ 0.56544523202128
1.14≈ 0.57044917212766
1.15≈ 0.57545311223404
1.16≈ 0.58045705234043
1.17≈ 0.58546099244681
1.18≈ 0.59046493255319
1.19≈ 0.59546887265957
1.20≈ 0.60047281276596
1.21≈ 0.60547675287234
1.22≈ 0.61048069297872
1.23≈ 0.61548463308511
1.24≈ 0.62048857319149
1.25≈ 0.62549251329787
1.26≈ 0.63049645340426
1.27≈ 0.63550039351064
1.28≈ 0.64050433361702
1.29≈ 0.6455082737234
1.30≈ 0.65051221382979
1.31≈ 0.65551615393617
1.32≈ 0.66052009404255
1.33≈ 0.66552403414894
1.34≈ 0.67052797425532
1.35≈ 0.6755319143617
1.36≈ 0.68053585446809
1.37≈ 0.68553979457447
1.38≈ 0.69054373468085
1.39≈ 0.69554767478723
1.40≈ 0.70055161489362
1.41≈ 0.705555555
1.42≈ 0.71055949510638
1.43≈ 0.71556343521277
1.44≈ 0.72056737531915
1.45 - 1.89
picas to barleycorns
1.45≈ 0.72557131542553
1.46≈ 0.73057525553191
1.47≈ 0.7355791956383
1.48≈ 0.74058313574468
1.49≈ 0.74558707585106
1.50≈ 0.75059101595745
1.51≈ 0.75559495606383
1.52≈ 0.76059889617021
1.53≈ 0.7656028362766
1.54≈ 0.77060677638298
1.55≈ 0.77561071648936
1.56≈ 0.78061465659574
1.57≈ 0.78561859670213
1.58≈ 0.79062253680851
1.59≈ 0.79562647691489
1.60≈ 0.80063041702128
1.61≈ 0.80563435712766
1.62≈ 0.81063829723404
1.63≈ 0.81564223734043
1.64≈ 0.82064617744681
1.65≈ 0.82565011755319
1.66≈ 0.83065405765957
1.67≈ 0.83565799776596
1.68≈ 0.84066193787234
1.69≈ 0.84566587797872
1.70≈ 0.85066981808511
1.71≈ 0.85567375819149
1.72≈ 0.86067769829787
1.73≈ 0.86568163840426
1.74≈ 0.87068557851064
1.75≈ 0.87568951861702
1.76≈ 0.8806934587234
1.77≈ 0.88569739882979
1.78≈ 0.89070133893617
1.79≈ 0.89570527904255
1.80≈ 0.90070921914894
1.81≈ 0.90571315925532
1.82≈ 0.9107170993617
1.83≈ 0.91572103946809
1.84≈ 0.92072497957447
1.85≈ 0.92572891968085
1.86≈ 0.93073285978723
1.87≈ 0.93573679989362
1.88≈ 0.94074074
1.89≈ 0.94574468010638
1.90 - 2.34
picas to barleycorns
1.90≈ 0.95074862021277
1.91≈ 0.95575256031915
1.92≈ 0.96075650042553
1.93≈ 0.96576044053191
1.94≈ 0.9707643806383
1.95≈ 0.97576832074468
1.96≈ 0.98077226085106
1.97≈ 0.98577620095745
1.98≈ 0.99078014106383
1.99≈ 0.99578408117021
2.00≈ 1.0007880212766
2.01≈ 1.005791961383
2.02≈ 1.0107959014894
2.03≈ 1.0157998415957
2.04≈ 1.0208037817021
2.05≈ 1.0258077218085
2.06≈ 1.0308116619149
2.07≈ 1.0358156020213
2.08≈ 1.0408195421277
2.09≈ 1.045823482234
2.10≈ 1.0508274223404
2.11≈ 1.0558313624468
2.12≈ 1.0608353025532
2.13≈ 1.0658392426596
2.14≈ 1.070843182766
2.15≈ 1.0758471228723
2.16≈ 1.0808510629787
2.17≈ 1.0858550030851
2.18≈ 1.0908589431915
2.19≈ 1.0958628832979
2.20≈ 1.1008668234043
2.21≈ 1.1058707635106
2.22≈ 1.110874703617
2.23≈ 1.1158786437234
2.24≈ 1.1208825838298
2.25≈ 1.1258865239362
2.26≈ 1.1308904640426
2.27≈ 1.1358944041489
2.28≈ 1.1408983442553
2.29≈ 1.1459022843617
2.30≈ 1.1509062244681
2.31≈ 1.1559101645745
2.32≈ 1.1609141046809
2.33≈ 1.1659180447872
2.34≈ 1.1709219848936
2.35 - 2.79
picas to barleycorns
2.35≈ 1.175925925
2.36≈ 1.1809298651064
2.37≈ 1.1859338052128
2.38≈ 1.1909377453191
2.39≈ 1.1959416854255
2.40≈ 1.2009456255319
2.41≈ 1.2059495656383
2.42≈ 1.2109535057447
2.43≈ 1.2159574458511
2.44≈ 1.2209613859574
2.45≈ 1.2259653260638
2.46≈ 1.2309692661702
2.47≈ 1.2359732062766
2.48≈ 1.240977146383
2.49≈ 1.2459810864894
2.50≈ 1.2509850265957
2.51≈ 1.2559889667021
2.52≈ 1.2609929068085
2.53≈ 1.2659968469149
2.54≈ 1.2710007870213
2.55≈ 1.2760047271277
2.56≈ 1.281008667234
2.57≈ 1.2860126073404
2.58≈ 1.2910165474468
2.59≈ 1.2960204875532
2.60≈ 1.3010244276596
2.61≈ 1.306028367766
2.62≈ 1.3110323078723
2.63≈ 1.3160362479787
2.64≈ 1.3210401880851
2.65≈ 1.3260441281915
2.66≈ 1.3310480682979
2.67≈ 1.3360520084043
2.68≈ 1.3410559485106
2.69≈ 1.346059888617
2.70≈ 1.3510638287234
2.71≈ 1.3560677688298
2.72≈ 1.3610717089362
2.73≈ 1.3660756490426
2.74≈ 1.3710795891489
2.75≈ 1.3760835292553
2.76≈ 1.3810874693617
2.77≈ 1.3860914094681
2.78≈ 1.3910953495745
2.79≈ 1.3960992896809


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The pica is a typographic unit of measure corresponding to approximately  16 of an inch, or  172 of a foot. One pica is further divided into 12 points.


The barleycorn is a small English unit of length equal to 13 of an inch (i.e., close to 0.8467 cm) still used in Great Britain and Ireland as a determiner of shoe sizes.