
Smoot to Furlong Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
smoots to furlong
0.1= 0.0008459595959596
0.11= 0.00093055555555556
0.12= 0.0010151515151515
0.13= 0.0010997474747475
0.14= 0.0011843434343434
0.15= 0.0012689393939394
0.16= 0.0013535353535354
0.17= 0.0014381313131313
0.18= 0.0015227272727273
0.19= 0.0016073232323232
0.20= 0.0016919191919192
0.21= 0.0017765151515152
0.22= 0.0018611111111111
0.23= 0.0019457070707071
0.24= 0.002030303030303
0.25= 0.002114898989899
0.26= 0.0021994949494949
0.27= 0.0022840909090909
0.28= 0.0023686868686869
0.29= 0.0024532828282828
0.30= 0.0025378787878788
0.31= 0.0026224747474747
0.32= 0.0027070707070707
0.33= 0.0027916666666667
0.34= 0.0028762626262626
0.35= 0.0029608585858586
0.36= 0.0030454545454545
0.37= 0.0031300505050505
0.38= 0.0032146464646465
0.39= 0.0032992424242424
0.40= 0.0033838383838384
0.41= 0.0034684343434343
0.42= 0.0035530303030303
0.43= 0.0036376262626263
0.44= 0.0037222222222222
0.45= 0.0038068181818182
0.46= 0.0038914141414141
0.47= 0.0039760101010101
0.48= 0.0040606060606061
0.49= 0.004145202020202
0.50= 0.004229797979798
0.51= 0.0043143939393939
0.52= 0.0043989898989899
0.53= 0.0044835858585859
0.54= 0.0045681818181818
0.55 - 0.99
smoots to furlong
0.55= 0.0046527777777778
0.56= 0.0047373737373737
0.57= 0.0048219696969697
0.58= 0.0049065656565657
0.59= 0.0049911616161616
0.60= 0.0050757575757576
0.61= 0.0051603535353535
0.62= 0.0052449494949495
0.63= 0.0053295454545455
0.64= 0.0054141414141414
0.65= 0.0054987373737374
0.66= 0.0055833333333333
0.67= 0.0056679292929293
0.68= 0.0057525252525253
0.69= 0.0058371212121212
0.70= 0.0059217171717172
0.71= 0.0060063131313131
0.72= 0.0060909090909091
0.73= 0.0061755050505051
0.74= 0.006260101010101
0.75= 0.006344696969697
0.76= 0.0064292929292929
0.77= 0.0065138888888889
0.78= 0.0065984848484848
0.79= 0.0066830808080808
0.80= 0.0067676767676768
0.81= 0.0068522727272727
0.82= 0.0069368686868687
0.83= 0.0070214646464646
0.84= 0.0071060606060606
0.85= 0.0071906565656566
0.86= 0.0072752525252525
0.87= 0.0073598484848485
0.88= 0.0074444444444444
0.89= 0.0075290404040404
0.90= 0.0076136363636364
0.91= 0.0076982323232323
0.92= 0.0077828282828283
0.93= 0.0078674242424242
0.94= 0.0079520202020202
0.95= 0.0080366161616162
0.96= 0.0081212121212121
0.97= 0.0082058080808081
0.98= 0.008290404040404
0.99= 0.008375
1.00 - 1.44
smoots to furlong
1.00= 0.008459595959596
1.01= 0.0085441919191919
1.02= 0.0086287878787879
1.03= 0.0087133838383838
1.04= 0.0087979797979798
1.05= 0.0088825757575758
1.06= 0.0089671717171717
1.07= 0.0090517676767677
1.08= 0.0091363636363636
1.09= 0.0092209595959596
1.10= 0.0093055555555556
1.11= 0.0093901515151515
1.12= 0.0094747474747475
1.13= 0.0095593434343434
1.14= 0.0096439393939394
1.15= 0.0097285353535354
1.16= 0.0098131313131313
1.17= 0.0098977272727273
1.18= 0.0099823232323232
1.19= 0.010066919191919
1.20= 0.010151515151515
1.21= 0.010236111111111
1.22= 0.010320707070707
1.23= 0.010405303030303
1.24= 0.010489898989899
1.25= 0.010574494949495
1.26= 0.010659090909091
1.27= 0.010743686868687
1.28= 0.010828282828283
1.29= 0.010912878787879
1.30= 0.010997474747475
1.31= 0.011082070707071
1.32= 0.011166666666667
1.33= 0.011251262626263
1.34= 0.011335858585859
1.35= 0.011420454545455
1.36= 0.011505050505051
1.37= 0.011589646464646
1.38= 0.011674242424242
1.39= 0.011758838383838
1.40= 0.011843434343434
1.41= 0.01192803030303
1.42= 0.012012626262626
1.43= 0.012097222222222
1.44= 0.012181818181818
1.45 - 1.89
smoots to furlong
1.45= 0.012266414141414
1.46= 0.01235101010101
1.47= 0.012435606060606
1.48= 0.012520202020202
1.49= 0.012604797979798
1.50= 0.012689393939394
1.51= 0.01277398989899
1.52= 0.012858585858586
1.53= 0.012943181818182
1.54= 0.013027777777778
1.55= 0.013112373737374
1.56= 0.01319696969697
1.57= 0.013281565656566
1.58= 0.013366161616162
1.59= 0.013450757575758
1.60= 0.013535353535354
1.61= 0.013619949494949
1.62= 0.013704545454545
1.63= 0.013789141414141
1.64= 0.013873737373737
1.65= 0.013958333333333
1.66= 0.014042929292929
1.67= 0.014127525252525
1.68= 0.014212121212121
1.69= 0.014296717171717
1.70= 0.014381313131313
1.71= 0.014465909090909
1.72= 0.014550505050505
1.73= 0.014635101010101
1.74= 0.014719696969697
1.75= 0.014804292929293
1.76= 0.014888888888889
1.77= 0.014973484848485
1.78= 0.015058080808081
1.79= 0.015142676767677
1.80= 0.015227272727273
1.81= 0.015311868686869
1.82= 0.015396464646465
1.83= 0.015481060606061
1.84= 0.015565656565657
1.85= 0.015650252525253
1.86= 0.015734848484848
1.87= 0.015819444444444
1.88= 0.01590404040404
1.89= 0.015988636363636
1.90 - 2.34
smoots to furlong
1.90= 0.016073232323232
1.91= 0.016157828282828
1.92= 0.016242424242424
1.93= 0.01632702020202
1.94= 0.016411616161616
1.95= 0.016496212121212
1.96= 0.016580808080808
1.97= 0.016665404040404
1.98= 0.01675
1.99= 0.016834595959596
2.00= 0.016919191919192
2.01= 0.017003787878788
2.02= 0.017088383838384
2.03= 0.01717297979798
2.04= 0.017257575757576
2.05= 0.017342171717172
2.06= 0.017426767676768
2.07= 0.017511363636364
2.08= 0.01759595959596
2.09= 0.017680555555556
2.10= 0.017765151515152
2.11= 0.017849747474747
2.12= 0.017934343434343
2.13= 0.018018939393939
2.14= 0.018103535353535
2.15= 0.018188131313131
2.16= 0.018272727272727
2.17= 0.018357323232323
2.18= 0.018441919191919
2.19= 0.018526515151515
2.20= 0.018611111111111
2.21= 0.018695707070707
2.22= 0.018780303030303
2.23= 0.018864898989899
2.24= 0.018949494949495
2.25= 0.019034090909091
2.26= 0.019118686868687
2.27= 0.019203282828283
2.28= 0.019287878787879
2.29= 0.019372474747475
2.30= 0.019457070707071
2.31= 0.019541666666667
2.32= 0.019626262626263
2.33= 0.019710858585859
2.34= 0.019795454545455
2.35 - 2.79
smoots to furlong
2.35= 0.019880050505051
2.36= 0.019964646464646
2.37= 0.020049242424242
2.38= 0.020133838383838
2.39= 0.020218434343434
2.40= 0.02030303030303
2.41= 0.020387626262626
2.42= 0.020472222222222
2.43= 0.020556818181818
2.44= 0.020641414141414
2.45= 0.02072601010101
2.46= 0.020810606060606
2.47= 0.020895202020202
2.48= 0.020979797979798
2.49= 0.021064393939394
2.50= 0.02114898989899
2.51= 0.021233585858586
2.52= 0.021318181818182
2.53= 0.021402777777778
2.54= 0.021487373737374
2.55= 0.02157196969697
2.56= 0.021656565656566
2.57= 0.021741161616162
2.58= 0.021825757575758
2.59= 0.021910353535354
2.60= 0.021994949494949
2.61= 0.022079545454545
2.62= 0.022164141414141
2.63= 0.022248737373737
2.64= 0.022333333333333
2.65= 0.022417929292929
2.66= 0.022502525252525
2.67= 0.022587121212121
2.68= 0.022671717171717
2.69= 0.022756313131313
2.70= 0.022840909090909
2.71= 0.022925505050505
2.72= 0.023010101010101
2.73= 0.023094696969697
2.74= 0.023179292929293
2.75= 0.023263888888889
2.76= 0.023348484848485
2.77= 0.023433080808081
2.78= 0.023517676767677
2.79= 0.023602272727273


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The smoot /ˈsmuːt/ is a nonstandard, humorous unit of length created as part of an MIT fraternity prank.


A furlong is a measure of distance in imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to one-eighth of a mile, equivalent to 660 feet, 220 yards, 40 rods, or 10 chains.