
Horsepower to Horsepower Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


1 - 33
horsepowers to horsepowers
1= 1
2= 2
3= 3
4= 4
5= 5
6= 6
7= 7
8= 8
9= 9
10= 10
11= 11
12= 12
13= 13
14= 14
15= 15
16= 16
17= 17
18= 18
19= 19
20= 20
21= 21
22= 22
23= 23
24= 24
25= 25
26= 26
27= 27
28= 28
29= 29
30= 30
31= 31
32= 32
33= 33
34 - 66
horsepowers to horsepowers
34= 34
35= 35
36= 36
37= 37
38= 38
39= 39
40= 40
41= 41
42= 42
43= 43
44= 44
45= 45
46= 46
47= 47
48= 48
49= 49
50= 50
51= 51
52= 52
53= 53
54= 54
55= 55
56= 56
57= 57
58= 58
59= 59
60= 60
61= 61
62= 62
63= 63
64= 64
65= 65
66= 66
67 - 99
horsepowers to horsepowers
67= 67
68= 68
69= 69
70= 70
71= 71
72= 72
73= 73
74= 74
75= 75
76= 76
77= 77
78= 78
79= 79
80= 80
81= 81
82= 82
83= 83
84= 84
85= 85
86= 86
87= 87
88= 88
89= 89
90= 90
91= 91
92= 92
93= 93
94= 94
95= 95
96= 96
97= 97
98= 98
99= 99


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


Horsepower (symbol: hp) is a unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). There are many different standards and types of horsepower.


Horsepower (symbol: hp) is a unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). There are many different standards and types of horsepower.

Conversion in other languages

You can find the conversion in other languages in the following: