
Yard per minute to Knot Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
yards per minute to knots
0.1= 0.0029624190064795
0.11= 0.0032586609071274
0.12= 0.0035549028077754
0.13= 0.0038511447084233
0.14= 0.0041473866090713
0.15= 0.0044436285097192
0.16= 0.0047398704103672
0.17= 0.0050361123110151
0.18= 0.0053323542116631
0.19= 0.005628596112311
0.20= 0.005924838012959
0.21= 0.0062210799136069
0.22= 0.0065173218142549
0.23= 0.0068135637149028
0.24= 0.0071098056155508
0.25= 0.0074060475161987
0.26= 0.0077022894168467
0.27= 0.0079985313174946
0.28= 0.0082947732181425
0.29= 0.0085910151187905
0.30= 0.0088872570194384
0.31= 0.0091834989200864
0.32= 0.0094797408207343
0.33= 0.0097759827213823
0.34= 0.01007222462203
0.35= 0.010368466522678
0.36= 0.010664708423326
0.37= 0.010960950323974
0.38= 0.011257192224622
0.39= 0.01155343412527
0.40= 0.011849676025918
0.41= 0.012145917926566
0.42= 0.012442159827214
0.43= 0.012738401727862
0.44= 0.01303464362851
0.45= 0.013330885529158
0.46= 0.013627127429806
0.47= 0.013923369330454
0.48= 0.014219611231102
0.49= 0.014515853131749
0.50= 0.014812095032397
0.51= 0.015108336933045
0.52= 0.015404578833693
0.53= 0.015700820734341
0.54= 0.015997062634989
0.55 - 0.99
yards per minute to knots
0.55= 0.016293304535637
0.56= 0.016589546436285
0.57= 0.016885788336933
0.58= 0.017182030237581
0.59= 0.017478272138229
0.60= 0.017774514038877
0.61= 0.018070755939525
0.62= 0.018366997840173
0.63= 0.018663239740821
0.64= 0.018959481641469
0.65= 0.019255723542117
0.66= 0.019551965442765
0.67= 0.019848207343413
0.68= 0.02014444924406
0.69= 0.020440691144708
0.70= 0.020736933045356
0.71= 0.021033174946004
0.72= 0.021329416846652
0.73= 0.0216256587473
0.74= 0.021921900647948
0.75= 0.022218142548596
0.76= 0.022514384449244
0.77= 0.022810626349892
0.78= 0.02310686825054
0.79= 0.023403110151188
0.80= 0.023699352051836
0.81= 0.023995593952484
0.82= 0.024291835853132
0.83= 0.02458807775378
0.84= 0.024884319654428
0.85= 0.025180561555076
0.86= 0.025476803455724
0.87= 0.025773045356371
0.88= 0.026069287257019
0.89= 0.026365529157667
0.90= 0.026661771058315
0.91= 0.026958012958963
0.92= 0.027254254859611
0.93= 0.027550496760259
0.94= 0.027846738660907
0.95= 0.028142980561555
0.96= 0.028439222462203
0.97= 0.028735464362851
0.98= 0.029031706263499
0.99= 0.029327948164147
1.00 - 1.44
yards per minute to knots
1.00= 0.029624190064795
1.01= 0.029920431965443
1.02= 0.030216673866091
1.03= 0.030512915766739
1.04= 0.030809157667387
1.05= 0.031105399568035
1.06= 0.031401641468683
1.07= 0.03169788336933
1.08= 0.031994125269978
1.09= 0.032290367170626
1.10= 0.032586609071274
1.11= 0.032882850971922
1.12= 0.03317909287257
1.13= 0.033475334773218
1.14= 0.033771576673866
1.15= 0.034067818574514
1.16= 0.034364060475162
1.17= 0.03466030237581
1.18= 0.034956544276458
1.19= 0.035252786177106
1.20= 0.035549028077754
1.21= 0.035845269978402
1.22= 0.03614151187905
1.23= 0.036437753779698
1.24= 0.036733995680346
1.25= 0.037030237580994
1.26= 0.037326479481641
1.27= 0.037622721382289
1.28= 0.037918963282937
1.29= 0.038215205183585
1.30= 0.038511447084233
1.31= 0.038807688984881
1.32= 0.039103930885529
1.33= 0.039400172786177
1.34= 0.039696414686825
1.35= 0.039992656587473
1.36= 0.040288898488121
1.37= 0.040585140388769
1.38= 0.040881382289417
1.39= 0.041177624190065
1.40= 0.041473866090713
1.41= 0.041770107991361
1.42= 0.042066349892009
1.43= 0.042362591792657
1.44= 0.042658833693305
1.45 - 1.89
yards per minute to knots
1.45= 0.042955075593952
1.46= 0.0432513174946
1.47= 0.043547559395248
1.48= 0.043843801295896
1.49= 0.044140043196544
1.50= 0.044436285097192
1.51= 0.04473252699784
1.52= 0.045028768898488
1.53= 0.045325010799136
1.54= 0.045621252699784
1.55= 0.045917494600432
1.56= 0.04621373650108
1.57= 0.046509978401728
1.58= 0.046806220302376
1.59= 0.047102462203024
1.60= 0.047398704103672
1.61= 0.04769494600432
1.62= 0.047991187904968
1.63= 0.048287429805616
1.64= 0.048583671706263
1.65= 0.048879913606911
1.66= 0.049176155507559
1.67= 0.049472397408207
1.68= 0.049768639308855
1.69= 0.050064881209503
1.70= 0.050361123110151
1.71= 0.050657365010799
1.72= 0.050953606911447
1.73= 0.051249848812095
1.74= 0.051546090712743
1.75= 0.051842332613391
1.76= 0.052138574514039
1.77= 0.052434816414687
1.78= 0.052731058315335
1.79= 0.053027300215983
1.80= 0.053323542116631
1.81= 0.053619784017279
1.82= 0.053916025917927
1.83= 0.054212267818575
1.84= 0.054508509719222
1.85= 0.05480475161987
1.86= 0.055100993520518
1.87= 0.055397235421166
1.88= 0.055693477321814
1.89= 0.055989719222462
1.90 - 2.34
yards per minute to knots
1.90= 0.05628596112311
1.91= 0.056582203023758
1.92= 0.056878444924406
1.93= 0.057174686825054
1.94= 0.057470928725702
1.95= 0.05776717062635
1.96= 0.058063412526998
1.97= 0.058359654427646
1.98= 0.058655896328294
1.99= 0.058952138228942
2.00= 0.05924838012959
2.01= 0.059544622030238
2.02= 0.059840863930886
2.03= 0.060137105831533
2.04= 0.060433347732181
2.05= 0.060729589632829
2.06= 0.061025831533477
2.07= 0.061322073434125
2.08= 0.061618315334773
2.09= 0.061914557235421
2.10= 0.062210799136069
2.11= 0.062507041036717
2.12= 0.062803282937365
2.13= 0.063099524838013
2.14= 0.063395766738661
2.15= 0.063692008639309
2.16= 0.063988250539957
2.17= 0.064284492440605
2.18= 0.064580734341253
2.19= 0.064876976241901
2.20= 0.065173218142549
2.21= 0.065469460043197
2.22= 0.065765701943844
2.23= 0.066061943844492
2.24= 0.06635818574514
2.25= 0.066654427645788
2.26= 0.066950669546436
2.27= 0.067246911447084
2.28= 0.067543153347732
2.29= 0.06783939524838
2.30= 0.068135637149028
2.31= 0.068431879049676
2.32= 0.068728120950324
2.33= 0.069024362850972
2.34= 0.06932060475162
2.35 - 2.79
yards per minute to knots
2.35= 0.069616846652268
2.36= 0.069913088552916
2.37= 0.070209330453564
2.38= 0.070505572354212
2.39= 0.07080181425486
2.40= 0.071098056155508
2.41= 0.071394298056156
2.42= 0.071690539956803
2.43= 0.071986781857451
2.44= 0.072283023758099
2.45= 0.072579265658747
2.46= 0.072875507559395
2.47= 0.073171749460043
2.48= 0.073467991360691
2.49= 0.073764233261339
2.50= 0.074060475161987
2.51= 0.074356717062635
2.52= 0.074652958963283
2.53= 0.074949200863931
2.54= 0.075245442764579
2.55= 0.075541684665227
2.56= 0.075837926565875
2.57= 0.076134168466523
2.58= 0.076430410367171
2.59= 0.076726652267819
2.60= 0.077022894168467
2.61= 0.077319136069114
2.62= 0.077615377969762
2.63= 0.07791161987041
2.64= 0.078207861771058
2.65= 0.078504103671706
2.66= 0.078800345572354
2.67= 0.079096587473002
2.68= 0.07939282937365
2.69= 0.079689071274298
2.70= 0.079985313174946
2.71= 0.080281555075594
2.72= 0.080577796976242
2.73= 0.08087403887689
2.74= 0.081170280777538
2.75= 0.081466522678186
2.76= 0.081762764578834
2.77= 0.082059006479482
2.78= 0.08235524838013
2.79= 0.082651490280778


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

yards per minute

Yard per minute (abbreviated mph, YDPM or yd/m) is an imperial and United States customary unit of speed expressing the number of statute yards covered in one minute.


The knot (/nɒt/) is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (1.852 km) per hour, approximately 1.15078 mph. The ISO Standard symbol for the knot is kn. The same symbol is preferred by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); kt is also common.