
Degrees Newton Conversion

degree Newton conversion allows you find conversion from degree Newton to other units of temperature, and you can find more additional degree Newton information as the following.

Degrees Newton

The Degree Newton is the unit of temperature uses in the Newton scale.

DefinitionRelation to SI units

[K] = [°N] ×  10033 + 273.15

Quick Find Conversion

Degrees Newton to

Conversion table

degree Réaumurdegree Rømerdegree Fahrenheitdegree Celsiusdegree Kelvindegree Delisledegree Newtondegree Rankine
1 8.15625 34.25 1.25 274.4 148.125 0.4125 493.92
-9.9047619 1 9.7142857 -12.3809524 260.7690476 168.5714286 -4.0857143 469.3842857
-13.7777778 -1.5416667 1 -17.2222222 255.9277778 175.8333333 -5.6833333 460.67
0.8 8.025 33.8 1 274.15 148.5 0.33 493.47
-217.72 -135.37875 -457.87 -272.15 1 558.225 -89.8095 1.8
79.4666667 59.65 210.8 99.3333333 372.4833333 1 1 670.47
2.4242424 9.0909091 37.4545455 3.0303030 276.1803030 145.4545455 1 497.1245455
-218.0755556 -135.6120833 -458.67 -272.5944444 0.5555556 558.8916667 -89.9561667 1

Degree Newton Conversion

1 degree Newton = 3.0303030 degrees Celsius
= 3.03030303
= 0.030303 × 102
= 0.030303E2
= 0.030303e2
1 degree Newton = 145.4545455 degrees Delisle
= 145.45454545
= 1.45455 × 102
= 1.45455E2
= 1.45455e2
1 degree Newton = 37.4545455 degrees Fahrenheit
= 37.45454545
= 0.374545 × 102
= 0.374545E2
= 0.374545e2
1 degree Newton = 276.1803030 degrees Kelvin
= 276.18030303
= 2.7618 × 102
= 2.7618E2
= 2.7618e2
1 degree Newton = 497.1245455 degrees Rankine
= 497.12454545
= 4.97125 × 102
= 4.97125E2
= 4.97125e2
1 degree Newton = 2.4242424 degrees Réaumur
= 2.42424242
= 0.0242424 × 102
= 0.0242424E2
= 0.0242424e2
1 degree Newton = 9.0909091 degrees Rømer
= 9.09090909
= 0.0909091 × 102
= 0.0909091E2
= 0.0909091e2


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

Unit System

Metric system SI

SI Conversion Table

1 degrees Newton= 1 degrees Kelvin
2 degrees Newton= 2 degrees Kelvin
3 degrees Newton= 3 degrees Kelvin
4 degrees Newton= 4 degrees Kelvin
5 degrees Newton= 5 degrees Kelvin