
Acre-foot to Cubic mile Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
acre-feet to cubic miles
0.1= 2.9592803030303E-8
0.11= 3.2552083333333E-8
0.12= 3.5511363636364E-8
0.13= 3.8470643939394E-8
0.14= 4.1429924242424E-8
0.15= 4.4389204545455E-8
0.16= 4.7348484848485E-8
0.17= 5.0307765151515E-8
0.18= 5.3267045454545E-8
0.19= 5.6226325757576E-8
0.20= 5.9185606060606E-8
0.21= 6.2144886363636E-8
0.22= 6.5104166666667E-8
0.23= 6.8063446969697E-8
0.24= 7.1022727272727E-8
0.25= 7.3982007575758E-8
0.26= 7.6941287878788E-8
0.27= 7.9900568181818E-8
0.28= 8.2859848484848E-8
0.29= 8.5819128787879E-8
0.30= 8.8778409090909E-8
0.31= 9.1737689393939E-8
0.32= 9.469696969697E-8
0.33= 9.765625E-8
0.34= 1.0061553030303E-7
0.35= 1.0357481060606E-7
0.36= 1.0653409090909E-7
0.37= 1.0949337121212E-7
0.38= 1.1245265151515E-7
0.39= 1.1541193181818E-7
0.40= 1.1837121212121E-7
0.41= 1.2133049242424E-7
0.42= 1.2428977272727E-7
0.43= 1.272490530303E-7
0.44= 1.3020833333333E-7
0.45= 1.3316761363636E-7
0.46= 1.3612689393939E-7
0.47= 1.3908617424242E-7
0.48= 1.4204545454545E-7
0.49= 1.4500473484848E-7
0.50= 1.4796401515152E-7
0.51= 1.5092329545455E-7
0.52= 1.5388257575758E-7
0.53= 1.5684185606061E-7
0.54= 1.5980113636364E-7
0.55 - 0.99
acre-feet to cubic miles
0.55= 1.6276041666667E-7
0.56= 1.657196969697E-7
0.57= 1.6867897727273E-7
0.58= 1.7163825757576E-7
0.59= 1.7459753787879E-7
0.60= 1.7755681818182E-7
0.61= 1.8051609848485E-7
0.62= 1.8347537878788E-7
0.63= 1.8643465909091E-7
0.64= 1.8939393939394E-7
0.65= 1.9235321969697E-7
0.66= 1.953125E-7
0.67= 1.9827178030303E-7
0.68= 2.0123106060606E-7
0.69= 2.0419034090909E-7
0.70= 2.0714962121212E-7
0.71= 2.1010890151515E-7
0.72= 2.1306818181818E-7
0.73= 2.1602746212121E-7
0.74= 2.1898674242424E-7
0.75= 2.2194602272727E-7
0.76= 2.249053030303E-7
0.77= 2.2786458333333E-7
0.78= 2.3082386363636E-7
0.79= 2.3378314393939E-7
0.80= 2.3674242424242E-7
0.81= 2.3970170454545E-7
0.82= 2.4266098484848E-7
0.83= 2.4562026515152E-7
0.84= 2.4857954545455E-7
0.85= 2.5153882575758E-7
0.86= 2.5449810606061E-7
0.87= 2.5745738636364E-7
0.88= 2.6041666666667E-7
0.89= 2.633759469697E-7
0.90= 2.6633522727273E-7
0.91= 2.6929450757576E-7
0.92= 2.7225378787879E-7
0.93= 2.7521306818182E-7
0.94= 2.7817234848485E-7
0.95= 2.8113162878788E-7
0.96= 2.8409090909091E-7
0.97= 2.8705018939394E-7
0.98= 2.9000946969697E-7
0.99= 2.9296875E-7
1.00 - 1.44
acre-feet to cubic miles
1.00= 2.9592803030303E-7
1.01= 2.9888731060606E-7
1.02= 3.0184659090909E-7
1.03= 3.0480587121212E-7
1.04= 3.0776515151515E-7
1.05= 3.1072443181818E-7
1.06= 3.1368371212121E-7
1.07= 3.1664299242424E-7
1.08= 3.1960227272727E-7
1.09= 3.225615530303E-7
1.10= 3.2552083333333E-7
1.11= 3.2848011363636E-7
1.12= 3.3143939393939E-7
1.13= 3.3439867424242E-7
1.14= 3.3735795454545E-7
1.15= 3.4031723484848E-7
1.16= 3.4327651515152E-7
1.17= 3.4623579545455E-7
1.18= 3.4919507575758E-7
1.19= 3.5215435606061E-7
1.20= 3.5511363636364E-7
1.21= 3.5807291666667E-7
1.22= 3.610321969697E-7
1.23= 3.6399147727273E-7
1.24= 3.6695075757576E-7
1.25= 3.6991003787879E-7
1.26= 3.7286931818182E-7
1.27= 3.7582859848485E-7
1.28= 3.7878787878788E-7
1.29= 3.8174715909091E-7
1.30= 3.8470643939394E-7
1.31= 3.8766571969697E-7
1.32= 3.90625E-7
1.33= 3.9358428030303E-7
1.34= 3.9654356060606E-7
1.35= 3.9950284090909E-7
1.36= 4.0246212121212E-7
1.37= 4.0542140151515E-7
1.38= 4.0838068181818E-7
1.39= 4.1133996212121E-7
1.40= 4.1429924242424E-7
1.41= 4.1725852272727E-7
1.42= 4.202178030303E-7
1.43= 4.2317708333333E-7
1.44= 4.2613636363636E-7
1.45 - 1.89
acre-feet to cubic miles
1.45= 4.2909564393939E-7
1.46= 4.3205492424242E-7
1.47= 4.3501420454545E-7
1.48= 4.3797348484848E-7
1.49= 4.4093276515152E-7
1.50= 4.4389204545455E-7
1.51= 4.4685132575758E-7
1.52= 4.4981060606061E-7
1.53= 4.5276988636364E-7
1.54= 4.5572916666667E-7
1.55= 4.586884469697E-7
1.56= 4.6164772727273E-7
1.57= 4.6460700757576E-7
1.58= 4.6756628787879E-7
1.59= 4.7052556818182E-7
1.60= 4.7348484848485E-7
1.61= 4.7644412878788E-7
1.62= 4.7940340909091E-7
1.63= 4.8236268939394E-7
1.64= 4.8532196969697E-7
1.65= 4.8828125E-7
1.66= 4.9124053030303E-7
1.67= 4.9419981060606E-7
1.68= 4.9715909090909E-7
1.69= 5.0011837121212E-7
1.70= 5.0307765151515E-7
1.71= 5.0603693181818E-7
1.72= 5.0899621212121E-7
1.73= 5.1195549242424E-7
1.74= 5.1491477272727E-7
1.75= 5.178740530303E-7
1.76= 5.2083333333333E-7
1.77= 5.2379261363636E-7
1.78= 5.2675189393939E-7
1.79= 5.2971117424242E-7
1.80= 5.3267045454545E-7
1.81= 5.3562973484848E-7
1.82= 5.3858901515152E-7
1.83= 5.4154829545455E-7
1.84= 5.4450757575758E-7
1.85= 5.4746685606061E-7
1.86= 5.5042613636364E-7
1.87= 5.5338541666667E-7
1.88= 5.563446969697E-7
1.89= 5.5930397727273E-7
1.90 - 2.34
acre-feet to cubic miles
1.90= 5.6226325757576E-7
1.91= 5.6522253787879E-7
1.92= 5.6818181818182E-7
1.93= 5.7114109848485E-7
1.94= 5.7410037878788E-7
1.95= 5.7705965909091E-7
1.96= 5.8001893939394E-7
1.97= 5.8297821969697E-7
1.98= 5.859375E-7
1.99= 5.8889678030303E-7
2.00= 5.9185606060606E-7
2.01= 5.9481534090909E-7
2.02= 5.9777462121212E-7
2.03= 6.0073390151515E-7
2.04= 6.0369318181818E-7
2.05= 6.0665246212121E-7
2.06= 6.0961174242424E-7
2.07= 6.1257102272727E-7
2.08= 6.155303030303E-7
2.09= 6.1848958333333E-7
2.10= 6.2144886363636E-7
2.11= 6.2440814393939E-7
2.12= 6.2736742424242E-7
2.13= 6.3032670454545E-7
2.14= 6.3328598484848E-7
2.15= 6.3624526515152E-7
2.16= 6.3920454545455E-7
2.17= 6.4216382575758E-7
2.18= 6.4512310606061E-7
2.19= 6.4808238636364E-7
2.20= 6.5104166666667E-7
2.21= 6.540009469697E-7
2.22= 6.5696022727273E-7
2.23= 6.5991950757576E-7
2.24= 6.6287878787879E-7
2.25= 6.6583806818182E-7
2.26= 6.6879734848485E-7
2.27= 6.7175662878788E-7
2.28= 6.7471590909091E-7
2.29= 6.7767518939394E-7
2.30= 6.8063446969697E-7
2.31= 6.8359375E-7
2.32= 6.8655303030303E-7
2.33= 6.8951231060606E-7
2.34= 6.9247159090909E-7
2.35 - 2.79
acre-feet to cubic miles
2.35= 6.9543087121212E-7
2.36= 6.9839015151515E-7
2.37= 7.0134943181818E-7
2.38= 7.0430871212121E-7
2.39= 7.0726799242424E-7
2.40= 7.1022727272727E-7
2.41= 7.131865530303E-7
2.42= 7.1614583333333E-7
2.43= 7.1910511363636E-7
2.44= 7.2206439393939E-7
2.45= 7.2502367424242E-7
2.46= 7.2798295454545E-7
2.47= 7.3094223484848E-7
2.48= 7.3390151515152E-7
2.49= 7.3686079545455E-7
2.50= 7.3982007575758E-7
2.51= 7.4277935606061E-7
2.52= 7.4573863636364E-7
2.53= 7.4869791666667E-7
2.54= 7.516571969697E-7
2.55= 7.5461647727273E-7
2.56= 7.5757575757576E-7
2.57= 7.6053503787879E-7
2.58= 7.6349431818182E-7
2.59= 7.6645359848485E-7
2.60= 7.6941287878788E-7
2.61= 7.7237215909091E-7
2.62= 7.7533143939394E-7
2.63= 7.7829071969697E-7
2.64= 7.8125E-7
2.65= 7.8420928030303E-7
2.66= 7.8716856060606E-7
2.67= 7.9012784090909E-7
2.68= 7.9308712121212E-7
2.69= 7.9604640151515E-7
2.70= 7.9900568181818E-7
2.71= 8.0196496212121E-7
2.72= 8.0492424242424E-7
2.73= 8.0788352272727E-7
2.74= 8.108428030303E-7
2.75= 8.1380208333333E-7
2.76= 8.1676136363636E-7
2.77= 8.1972064393939E-7
2.78= 8.2267992424242E-7
2.79= 8.2563920454545E-7


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The acre-foot is a unit of volume commonly used in the United States in reference to large-scale water resources, such as reservoirs, aqueducts, canals, sewer flow capacity, irrigation water, and river flows.

cubic miles

cubic mile (abbreviation: cu mi or mi3) is an imperial and US customary (non-SI non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. It is defined as the volume of a cube with sides of 1 mile (5280 feet, 1760 yards or ~1.609kilometres) in length.