
1 butts = 21 504 ponies 

Butts to Ponies Conversion

Butt to pony conversion allow you make a conversion between butt and pony easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Volume Conversion


= 21,504.00000000
= 215.04 × 102
= 215.04E2
= 215.04e2
= 43,008.00000000
= 430.08 × 102
= 430.08E2
= 430.08e2
= 64,512.00000000
= 645.12 × 102
= 645.12E2
= 645.12e2
= 86,016.00000000
= 860.16 × 102
= 860.16E2
= 860.16e2
= 107,520.00000000
= 1075.2 × 102
= 1075.2E2
= 1075.2e2

Quick Look: butts to ponies

butt1 butt2 butt3 butt4 butt5 butt6 butt7 butt8 butt9 butt10 butt11 butt12 butt13 butt14 butt15 butt16 butt17 butt18 butt19 butt20 butt21 butt22 butt23 butt24 butt25 butt26 butt27 butt28 butt29 butt30 butt31 butt32 butt33 butt34 butt35 butt36 butt37 butt38 butt39 butt40 butt41 butt42 butt43 butt44 butt45 butt46 butt47 butt48 butt49 butt50 butt51 butt52 butt53 butt54 butt55 butt56 butt57 butt58 butt59 butt60 butt61 butt62 butt63 butt64 butt65 butt66 butt67 butt68 butt69 butt70 butt71 butt72 butt73 butt74 butt75 butt76 butt77 butt78 butt79 butt80 butt81 butt82 butt83 butt84 butt85 butt86 butt87 butt88 butt89 butt90 butt91 butt92 butt93 butt94 butt95 butt96 butt97 butt98 butt99 butt100 butt
pony21 504 pony43 008 pony64 512 pony86 016 pony107 520 pony129 024 pony150 528 pony172 032 pony193 536 pony215 040 pony236 544 pony258 048 pony279 552 pony301 056 pony322 560 pony344 064 pony365 568 pony387 072 pony408 576 pony430 080 pony451 584 pony473 088 pony494 592 pony516 096 pony537 600 pony559 104 pony580 608 pony602 112 pony623 616 pony645 120 pony666 624 pony688 128 pony709 632 pony731 136 pony752 640 pony774 144 pony795 648 pony817 152 pony838 656 pony860 160 pony881 664 pony903 168 pony924 672 pony946 176 pony967 680 pony989 184 pony1 010 688 pony1 032 192 pony1 053 696 pony1 075 200 pony1 096 704 pony1 118 208 pony1 139 712 pony1 161 216 pony1 182 720 pony1 204 224 pony1 225 728 pony1 247 232 pony1 268 736 pony1 290 240 pony1 311 744 pony1 333 248 pony1 354 752 pony1 376 256 pony1 397 760 pony1 419 264 pony1 440 768 pony1 462 272 pony1 483 776 pony1 505 280 pony1 526 784 pony1 548 288 pony1 569 792 pony1 591 296 pony1 612 800 pony1 634 304 pony1 655 808 pony1 677 312 pony1 698 816 pony1 720 320 pony1 741 824 pony1 763 328 pony1 784 832 pony1 806 336 pony1 827 840 pony1 849 344 pony1 870 848 pony1 892 352 pony1 913 856 pony1 935 360 pony1 956 864 pony1 978 368 pony1 999 872 pony2 021 376 pony2 042 880 pony2 064 384 pony2 085 888 pony2 107 392 pony2 128 896 pony2 150 400 pony

The butt was a measure of liquid volume equalling two hogsheads. This equated to 108 imperial gallons (490 l) for ale or 126 imperial gallons (570 l) for wine (also known as a pipe).

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ 126 gal (wine)

= 0.476961884784 m3


conversion table

1= 215046= 129024
2= 430087= 150528
3= 645128= 172032
4= 860169= 193536
5= 10752010= 215040

Pony is a unit volume measurement. 

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡  34 US fl oz

= 22.180147171875×10−6 m3


conversion table

1= 4.6502976190476E-56= 0.00027901785714286
2= 9.3005952380952E-57= 0.00032552083333333
3= 0.000139508928571438= 0.00037202380952381
4= 0.00018601190476199= 0.00041852678571429
5= 0.0002325148809523810= 0.00046502976190476

Conversion table

1= 21 504
4.6502976190476 × 10-5= 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)