
Canadian teaspoon to Fluid scruple Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
canadian teaspoons to fluid scruples
0.1= 0.39999999994594
0.11= 0.43999999994053
0.12= 0.47999999993513
0.13= 0.51999999992972
0.14= 0.55999999992432
0.15= 0.59999999991891
0.16= 0.6399999999135
0.17= 0.6799999999081
0.18= 0.71999999990269
0.19= 0.75999999989729
0.20= 0.79999999989188
0.21= 0.83999999988647
0.22= 0.87999999988107
0.23= 0.91999999987566
0.24= 0.95999999987026
0.25= 0.99999999986485
0.26= 1.0399999998594
0.27= 1.079999999854
0.28= 1.1199999998486
0.29= 1.1599999998432
0.30= 1.1999999998378
0.31= 1.2399999998324
0.32= 1.279999999827
0.33= 1.3199999998216
0.34= 1.3599999998162
0.35= 1.3999999998108
0.36= 1.4399999998054
0.37= 1.4799999998
0.38= 1.5199999997946
0.39= 1.5599999997892
0.40= 1.5999999997838
0.41= 1.6399999997784
0.42= 1.6799999997729
0.43= 1.7199999997675
0.44= 1.7599999997621
0.45= 1.7999999997567
0.46= 1.8399999997513
0.47= 1.8799999997459
0.48= 1.9199999997405
0.49= 1.9599999997351
0.50= 1.9999999997297
0.51= 2.0399999997243
0.52= 2.0799999997189
0.53= 2.1199999997135
0.54= 2.1599999997081
0.55 - 0.99
canadian teaspoons to fluid scruples
0.55= 2.1999999997027
0.56= 2.2399999996973
0.57= 2.2799999996919
0.58= 2.3199999996865
0.59= 2.359999999681
0.60= 2.3999999996756
0.61= 2.4399999996702
0.62= 2.4799999996648
0.63= 2.5199999996594
0.64= 2.559999999654
0.65= 2.5999999996486
0.66= 2.6399999996432
0.67= 2.6799999996378
0.68= 2.7199999996324
0.69= 2.759999999627
0.70= 2.7999999996216
0.71= 2.8399999996162
0.72= 2.8799999996108
0.73= 2.9199999996054
0.74= 2.9599999996
0.75= 2.9999999995946
0.76= 3.0399999995891
0.77= 3.0799999995837
0.78= 3.1199999995783
0.79= 3.1599999995729
0.80= 3.1999999995675
0.81= 3.2399999995621
0.82= 3.2799999995567
0.83= 3.3199999995513
0.84= 3.3599999995459
0.85= 3.3999999995405
0.86= 3.4399999995351
0.87= 3.4799999995297
0.88= 3.5199999995243
0.89= 3.5599999995189
0.90= 3.5999999995135
0.91= 3.6399999995081
0.92= 3.6799999995027
0.93= 3.7199999994972
0.94= 3.7599999994918
0.95= 3.7999999994864
0.96= 3.839999999481
0.97= 3.8799999994756
0.98= 3.9199999994702
0.99= 3.9599999994648
1.00 - 1.44
canadian teaspoons to fluid scruples
1.00= 3.9999999994594
1.01= 4.039999999454
1.02= 4.0799999994486
1.03= 4.1199999994432
1.04= 4.1599999994378
1.05= 4.1999999994324
1.06= 4.239999999427
1.07= 4.2799999994216
1.08= 4.3199999994162
1.09= 4.3599999994108
1.10= 4.3999999994053
1.11= 4.4399999993999
1.12= 4.4799999993945
1.13= 4.5199999993891
1.14= 4.5599999993837
1.15= 4.5999999993783
1.16= 4.6399999993729
1.17= 4.6799999993675
1.18= 4.7199999993621
1.19= 4.7599999993567
1.20= 4.7999999993513
1.21= 4.8399999993459
1.22= 4.8799999993405
1.23= 4.9199999993351
1.24= 4.9599999993297
1.25= 4.9999999993243
1.26= 5.0399999993188
1.27= 5.0799999993134
1.28= 5.119999999308
1.29= 5.1599999993026
1.30= 5.1999999992972
1.31= 5.2399999992918
1.32= 5.2799999992864
1.33= 5.319999999281
1.34= 5.3599999992756
1.35= 5.3999999992702
1.36= 5.4399999992648
1.37= 5.4799999992594
1.38= 5.519999999254
1.39= 5.5599999992486
1.40= 5.5999999992432
1.41= 5.6399999992378
1.42= 5.6799999992324
1.43= 5.7199999992269
1.44= 5.7599999992215
1.45 - 1.89
canadian teaspoons to fluid scruples
1.45= 5.7999999992161
1.46= 5.8399999992107
1.47= 5.8799999992053
1.48= 5.9199999991999
1.49= 5.9599999991945
1.50= 5.9999999991891
1.51= 6.0399999991837
1.52= 6.0799999991783
1.53= 6.1199999991729
1.54= 6.1599999991675
1.55= 6.1999999991621
1.56= 6.2399999991567
1.57= 6.2799999991513
1.58= 6.3199999991459
1.59= 6.3599999991405
1.60= 6.399999999135
1.61= 6.4399999991296
1.62= 6.4799999991242
1.63= 6.5199999991188
1.64= 6.5599999991134
1.65= 6.599999999108
1.66= 6.6399999991026
1.67= 6.6799999990972
1.68= 6.7199999990918
1.69= 6.7599999990864
1.70= 6.799999999081
1.71= 6.8399999990756
1.72= 6.8799999990702
1.73= 6.9199999990648
1.74= 6.9599999990594
1.75= 6.999999999054
1.76= 7.0399999990486
1.77= 7.0799999990431
1.78= 7.1199999990377
1.79= 7.1599999990323
1.80= 7.1999999990269
1.81= 7.2399999990215
1.82= 7.2799999990161
1.83= 7.3199999990107
1.84= 7.3599999990053
1.85= 7.3999999989999
1.86= 7.4399999989945
1.87= 7.4799999989891
1.88= 7.5199999989837
1.89= 7.5599999989783
1.90 - 2.34
canadian teaspoons to fluid scruples
1.90= 7.5999999989729
1.91= 7.6399999989675
1.92= 7.6799999989621
1.93= 7.7199999989566
1.94= 7.7599999989512
1.95= 7.7999999989458
1.96= 7.8399999989404
1.97= 7.879999998935
1.98= 7.9199999989296
1.99= 7.9599999989242
2.00= 7.9999999989188
2.01= 8.0399999989134
2.02= 8.079999998908
2.03= 8.1199999989026
2.04= 8.1599999988972
2.05= 8.1999999988918
2.06= 8.2399999988864
2.07= 8.279999998881
2.08= 8.3199999988756
2.09= 8.3599999988702
2.10= 8.3999999988647
2.11= 8.4399999988593
2.12= 8.4799999988539
2.13= 8.5199999988485
2.14= 8.5599999988431
2.15= 8.5999999988377
2.16= 8.6399999988323
2.17= 8.6799999988269
2.18= 8.7199999988215
2.19= 8.7599999988161
2.20= 8.7999999988107
2.21= 8.8399999988053
2.22= 8.8799999987999
2.23= 8.9199999987945
2.24= 8.9599999987891
2.25= 8.9999999987837
2.26= 9.0399999987783
2.27= 9.0799999987728
2.28= 9.1199999987674
2.29= 9.159999998762
2.30= 9.1999999987566
2.31= 9.2399999987512
2.32= 9.2799999987458
2.33= 9.3199999987404
2.34= 9.359999998735
2.35 - 2.79
canadian teaspoons to fluid scruples
2.35= 9.3999999987296
2.36= 9.4399999987242
2.37= 9.4799999987188
2.38= 9.5199999987134
2.39= 9.559999998708
2.40= 9.5999999987026
2.41= 9.6399999986972
2.42= 9.6799999986918
2.43= 9.7199999986864
2.44= 9.7599999986809
2.45= 9.7999999986755
2.46= 9.8399999986701
2.47= 9.8799999986647
2.48= 9.9199999986593
2.49= 9.9599999986539
2.50= 9.9999999986485
2.51= 10.039999998643
2.52= 10.079999998638
2.53= 10.119999998632
2.54= 10.159999998627
2.55= 10.199999998621
2.56= 10.239999998616
2.57= 10.279999998611
2.58= 10.319999998605
2.59= 10.3599999986
2.60= 10.399999998594
2.61= 10.439999998589
2.62= 10.479999998584
2.63= 10.519999998578
2.64= 10.559999998573
2.65= 10.599999998567
2.66= 10.639999998562
2.67= 10.679999998557
2.68= 10.719999998551
2.69= 10.759999998546
2.70= 10.79999999854
2.71= 10.839999998535
2.72= 10.87999999853
2.73= 10.919999998524
2.74= 10.959999998519
2.75= 10.999999998513
2.76= 11.039999998508
2.77= 11.079999998503
2.78= 11.119999998497
2.79= 11.159999998492


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

canadian teaspoons

teaspoon is an item of cutlery, a measuring instrument, of approximately 5ml, or a unit of measurement of volume (usually abbreviated tsp.).

fluid scruples

The fluid scruple is  124 fluid ounce,  13 fluid dram, 20 minims, or  14 teaspoon, or 1 saltspoon. It is therefore equal to 1.23 milliliters.