
1 centiliters = 101.3618296 drops (imperial) 

Centiliters to Drops (imperial) Conversion

Centiliter to drop (imperial) conversion allow you make a conversion between centiliter and drop (imperial) easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Volume Conversion


= 101.36182962
= 1.01362 × 102
= 1.01362E2
= 1.01362e2
= 202.72365923
= 2.02724 × 102
= 2.02724E2
= 2.02724e2
= 304.08548885
= 3.04085 × 102
= 3.04085E2
= 3.04085e2
= 405.44731847
= 4.05447 × 102
= 4.05447E2
= 4.05447e2
= 506.80914808
= 5.06809 × 102
= 5.06809E2
= 5.06809e2

Quick Look: centiliters to drops (imperial)

centiliter1 cL2 cL3 cL4 cL5 cL6 cL7 cL8 cL9 cL10 cL11 cL12 cL13 cL14 cL15 cL16 cL17 cL18 cL19 cL20 cL21 cL22 cL23 cL24 cL25 cL26 cL27 cL28 cL29 cL30 cL31 cL32 cL33 cL34 cL35 cL36 cL37 cL38 cL39 cL40 cL41 cL42 cL43 cL44 cL45 cL46 cL47 cL48 cL49 cL50 cL51 cL52 cL53 cL54 cL55 cL56 cL57 cL58 cL59 cL60 cL61 cL62 cL63 cL64 cL65 cL66 cL67 cL68 cL69 cL70 cL71 cL72 cL73 cL74 cL75 cL76 cL77 cL78 cL79 cL80 cL81 cL82 cL83 cL84 cL85 cL86 cL87 cL88 cL89 cL90 cL91 cL92 cL93 cL94 cL95 cL96 cL97 cL98 cL99 cL100 cL
drop (imperial)101.3618296 gtt202.7236592 gtt304.0854888 gtt405.4473185 gtt506.8091481 gtt608.1709777 gtt709.5328073 gtt810.8946369 gtt912.2564665 gtt1,013.6182962 gtt1,114.9801258 gtt1,216.3419554 gtt1,317.7037850 gtt1,419.0656146 gtt1,520.4274442 gtt1,621.7892739 gtt1,723.1511035 gtt1,824.5129331 gtt1,925.8747627 gtt2,027.2365923 gtt2,128.5984219 gtt2,229.9602516 gtt2,331.3220812 gtt2,432.6839108 gtt2,534.0457404 gtt2,635.4075700 gtt2,736.7693996 gtt2,838.1312293 gtt2,939.4930589 gtt3,040.8548885 gtt3,142.2167181 gtt3,243.5785477 gtt3,344.9403773 gtt3,446.3022070 gtt3,547.6640366 gtt3,649.0258662 gtt3,750.3876958 gtt3,851.7495254 gtt3,953.1113550 gtt4,054.4731847 gtt4,155.8350143 gtt4,257.1968439 gtt4,358.5586735 gtt4,459.9205031 gtt4,561.2823327 gtt4,662.6441624 gtt4,764.0059920 gtt4,865.3678216 gtt4,966.7296512 gtt5,068.0914808 gtt5,169.4533104 gtt5,270.8151400 gtt5,372.1769697 gtt5,473.5387993 gtt5,574.9006289 gtt5,676.2624585 gtt5,777.6242881 gtt5,878.9861177 gtt5,980.3479474 gtt6,081.7097770 gtt6,183.0716066 gtt6,284.4334362 gtt6,385.7952658 gtt6,487.1570954 gtt6,588.5189251 gtt6,689.8807547 gtt6,791.2425843 gtt6,892.6044139 gtt6,993.9662435 gtt7,095.3280731 gtt7,196.6899028 gtt7,298.0517324 gtt7,399.4135620 gtt7,500.7753916 gtt7,602.1372212 gtt7,703.4990508 gtt7,804.8608805 gtt7,906.2227101 gtt8,007.5845397 gtt8,108.9463693 gtt8,210.3081989 gtt8,311.6700285 gtt8,413.0318582 gtt8,514.3936878 gtt8,615.7555174 gtt8,717.1173470 gtt8,818.4791766 gtt8,919.8410062 gtt9,021.2028359 gtt9,122.5646655 gtt9,223.9264951 gtt9,325.2883247 gtt9,426.6501543 gtt9,528.0119839 gtt9,629.3738135 gtt9,730.7356432 gtt9,832.0974728 gtt9,933.4593024 gtt10,034.8211320 gtt10,136.1829616 gtt

The centiliter or centilitre is a common metric unit of volume. It is equal to 10-5 cubic meters. Plural name is centiliters.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ 10 cm3

≡ 10-5 m3

Metric system SI

conversion table

centilitersdrops (imperial)centilitersdrops (imperial)
1= 101.361829616316= 608.17097769787
2= 202.723659232627= 709.53280731418
3= 304.085488848938= 810.89463693049
4= 405.447318465249= 912.2564665468
5= 506.8091480815510= 1013.6182961631

The drop is an approximated unit of measure of volume, the amount dispensed as one drop from a dropper or drip chamber. It is often used in giving quantities of liquid drugs to patients, and occasionally in cooking.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System
drop (imperial)gtt

≡  1288 fl oz (imp)

= 98.6564670138×10−9 m3


conversion table

drops (imperial)centilitersdrops (imperial)centiliters
1= 0.009865646701386= 0.05919388020828
2= 0.019731293402767= 0.06905952690966
3= 0.029596940104148= 0.07892517361104
4= 0.039462586805529= 0.08879082031242
5= 0.049328233506910= 0.0986564670138

Conversion table

centilitersdrops (imperial)
1= 101.3618296
0.0098656= 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)