
Last to Canadian tablespoon Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
lasts to canadian tablespoons
0.1= 20480
0.11= 22528
0.12= 24576
0.13= 26624
0.14= 28672
0.15= 30720
0.16= 32768
0.17= 34816
0.18= 36864
0.19= 38912
0.20= 40960
0.21= 43008
0.22= 45056
0.23= 47104
0.24= 49152
0.25= 51200
0.26= 53248
0.27= 55296
0.28= 57344
0.29= 59392
0.30= 61440
0.31= 63488
0.32= 65536
0.33= 67584
0.34= 69632
0.35= 71680
0.36= 73728
0.37= 75776
0.38= 77824
0.39= 79872
0.40= 81920
0.41= 83968
0.42= 86016
0.43= 88064
0.44= 90112
0.45= 92160
0.46= 94208
0.47= 96256
0.48= 98304
0.49= 100352
0.50= 102400
0.51= 104448
0.52= 106496
0.53= 108544
0.54= 110592
0.55 - 0.99
lasts to canadian tablespoons
0.55= 112640
0.56= 114688
0.57= 116736
0.58= 118784
0.59= 120832
0.60= 122880
0.61= 124928
0.62= 126976
0.63= 129024
0.64= 131072
0.65= 133120
0.66= 135168
0.67= 137216
0.68= 139264
0.69= 141312
0.70= 143360
0.71= 145408
0.72= 147456
0.73= 149504
0.74= 151552
0.75= 153600
0.76= 155648
0.77= 157696
0.78= 159744
0.79= 161792
0.80= 163840
0.81= 165888
0.82= 167936
0.83= 169984
0.84= 172032
0.85= 174080
0.86= 176128
0.87= 178176
0.88= 180224
0.89= 182272
0.90= 184320
0.91= 186368
0.92= 188416
0.93= 190464
0.94= 192512
0.95= 194560
0.96= 196608
0.97= 198656
0.98= 200704
0.99= 202752
1.00 - 1.44
lasts to canadian tablespoons
1.00= 204800
1.01= 206848
1.02= 208896
1.03= 210944
1.04= 212992
1.05= 215040
1.06= 217088
1.07= 219136
1.08= 221184
1.09= 223232
1.10= 225280
1.11= 227328
1.12= 229376
1.13= 231424
1.14= 233472
1.15= 235520
1.16= 237568
1.17= 239616
1.18= 241664
1.19= 243712
1.20= 245760
1.21= 247808
1.22= 249856
1.23= 251904
1.24= 253952
1.25= 256000
1.26= 258048
1.27= 260096
1.28= 262144
1.29= 264192
1.30= 266240
1.31= 268288
1.32= 270336
1.33= 272384
1.34= 274432
1.35= 276480
1.36= 278528
1.37= 280576
1.38= 282624
1.39= 284672
1.40= 286720
1.41= 288768
1.42= 290816
1.43= 292864
1.44= 294912
1.45 - 1.89
lasts to canadian tablespoons
1.45= 296960
1.46= 299008
1.47= 301056
1.48= 303104
1.49= 305152
1.50= 307200
1.51= 309248
1.52= 311296
1.53= 313344
1.54= 315392
1.55= 317440
1.56= 319488
1.57= 321536
1.58= 323584
1.59= 325632
1.60= 327680
1.61= 329728
1.62= 331776
1.63= 333824
1.64= 335872
1.65= 337920
1.66= 339968
1.67= 342016
1.68= 344064
1.69= 346112
1.70= 348160
1.71= 350208
1.72= 352256
1.73= 354304
1.74= 356352
1.75= 358400
1.76= 360448
1.77= 362496
1.78= 364544
1.79= 366592
1.80= 368640
1.81= 370688
1.82= 372736
1.83= 374784
1.84= 376832
1.85= 378880
1.86= 380928
1.87= 382976
1.88= 385024
1.89= 387072
1.90 - 2.34
lasts to canadian tablespoons
1.90= 389120
1.91= 391168
1.92= 393216
1.93= 395264
1.94= 397312
1.95= 399360
1.96= 401408
1.97= 403456
1.98= 405504
1.99= 407552
2.00= 409600
2.01= 411648
2.02= 413696
2.03= 415744
2.04= 417792
2.05= 419840
2.06= 421888
2.07= 423936
2.08= 425984
2.09= 428032
2.10= 430080
2.11= 432128
2.12= 434176
2.13= 436224
2.14= 438272
2.15= 440320
2.16= 442368
2.17= 444416
2.18= 446464
2.19= 448512
2.20= 450560
2.21= 452608
2.22= 454656
2.23= 456704
2.24= 458752
2.25= 460800
2.26= 462848
2.27= 464896
2.28= 466944
2.29= 468992
2.30= 471040
2.31= 473088
2.32= 475136
2.33= 477184
2.34= 479232
2.35 - 2.79
lasts to canadian tablespoons
2.35= 481280
2.36= 483328
2.37= 485376
2.38= 487424
2.39= 489472
2.40= 491520
2.41= 493568
2.42= 495616
2.43= 497664
2.44= 499712
2.45= 501760
2.46= 503808
2.47= 505856
2.48= 507904
2.49= 509952
2.50= 512000
2.51= 514048
2.52= 516096
2.53= 518144
2.54= 520192
2.55= 522240
2.56= 524288
2.57= 526336
2.58= 528384
2.59= 530432
2.60= 532480
2.61= 534528
2.62= 536576
2.63= 538624
2.64= 540672
2.65= 542720
2.66= 544768
2.67= 546816
2.68= 548864
2.69= 550912
2.70= 552960
2.71= 555008
2.72= 557056
2.73= 559104
2.74= 561152
2.75= 563200
2.76= 565248
2.77= 567296
2.78= 569344
2.79= 571392


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The English last could also be understood as the volume occupied by the other lasts. In some sources, the last is equated with 640 gallons. The beer last was 12 barrels, the cod last and some herring lasts were also 12 barrels, and the pitch last was 12 or 14 barrels.

canadian tablespoons

Canadian tablespoon is a unit of volume.