
US legal cup to Canadian teaspoon Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
US legal cups to canadian teaspoons
0.1= 5.0680914815245
0.11= 5.5749006296769
0.12= 6.0817097778294
0.13= 6.5885189259818
0.14= 7.0953280741343
0.15= 7.6021372222867
0.16= 8.1089463704392
0.17= 8.6157555185916
0.18= 9.122564666744
0.19= 9.6293738148965
0.20= 10.136182963049
0.21= 10.642992111201
0.22= 11.149801259354
0.23= 11.656610407506
0.24= 12.163419555659
0.25= 12.670228703811
0.26= 13.177037851964
0.27= 13.683847000116
0.28= 14.190656148269
0.29= 14.697465296421
0.30= 15.204274444573
0.31= 15.711083592726
0.32= 16.217892740878
0.33= 16.724701889031
0.34= 17.231511037183
0.35= 17.738320185336
0.36= 18.245129333488
0.37= 18.751938481641
0.38= 19.258747629793
0.39= 19.765556777945
0.40= 20.272365926098
0.41= 20.77917507425
0.42= 21.285984222403
0.43= 21.792793370555
0.44= 22.299602518708
0.45= 22.80641166686
0.46= 23.313220815013
0.47= 23.820029963165
0.48= 24.326839111317
0.49= 24.83364825947
0.50= 25.340457407622
0.51= 25.847266555775
0.52= 26.354075703927
0.53= 26.86088485208
0.54= 27.367694000232
0.55 - 0.99
US legal cups to canadian teaspoons
0.55= 27.874503148385
0.56= 28.381312296537
0.57= 28.888121444689
0.58= 29.394930592842
0.59= 29.901739740994
0.60= 30.408548889147
0.61= 30.915358037299
0.62= 31.422167185452
0.63= 31.928976333604
0.64= 32.435785481757
0.65= 32.942594629909
0.66= 33.449403778062
0.67= 33.956212926214
0.68= 34.463022074366
0.69= 34.969831222519
0.70= 35.476640370671
0.71= 35.983449518824
0.72= 36.490258666976
0.73= 36.997067815129
0.74= 37.503876963281
0.75= 38.010686111434
0.76= 38.517495259586
0.77= 39.024304407738
0.78= 39.531113555891
0.79= 40.037922704043
0.80= 40.544731852196
0.81= 41.051541000348
0.82= 41.558350148501
0.83= 42.065159296653
0.84= 42.571968444806
0.85= 43.078777592958
0.86= 43.58558674111
0.87= 44.092395889263
0.88= 44.599205037415
0.89= 45.106014185568
0.90= 45.61282333372
0.91= 46.119632481873
0.92= 46.626441630025
0.93= 47.133250778178
0.94= 47.64005992633
0.95= 48.146869074482
0.96= 48.653678222635
0.97= 49.160487370787
0.98= 49.66729651894
0.99= 50.174105667092
1.00 - 1.44
US legal cups to canadian teaspoons
1.00= 50.680914815245
1.01= 51.187723963397
1.02= 51.69453311155
1.03= 52.201342259702
1.04= 52.708151407854
1.05= 53.214960556007
1.06= 53.721769704159
1.07= 54.228578852312
1.08= 54.735388000464
1.09= 55.242197148617
1.10= 55.749006296769
1.11= 56.255815444922
1.12= 56.762624593074
1.13= 57.269433741227
1.14= 57.776242889379
1.15= 58.283052037531
1.16= 58.789861185684
1.17= 59.296670333836
1.18= 59.803479481989
1.19= 60.310288630141
1.20= 60.817097778294
1.21= 61.323906926446
1.22= 61.830716074599
1.23= 62.337525222751
1.24= 62.844334370903
1.25= 63.351143519056
1.26= 63.857952667208
1.27= 64.364761815361
1.28= 64.871570963513
1.29= 65.378380111666
1.30= 65.885189259818
1.31= 66.391998407971
1.32= 66.898807556123
1.33= 67.405616704275
1.34= 67.912425852428
1.35= 68.41923500058
1.36= 68.926044148733
1.37= 69.432853296885
1.38= 69.939662445038
1.39= 70.44647159319
1.40= 70.953280741343
1.41= 71.460089889495
1.42= 71.966899037647
1.43= 72.4737081858
1.44= 72.980517333952
1.45 - 1.89
US legal cups to canadian teaspoons
1.45= 73.487326482105
1.46= 73.994135630257
1.47= 74.50094477841
1.48= 75.007753926562
1.49= 75.514563074715
1.50= 76.021372222867
1.51= 76.528181371019
1.52= 77.034990519172
1.53= 77.541799667324
1.54= 78.048608815477
1.55= 78.555417963629
1.56= 79.062227111782
1.57= 79.569036259934
1.58= 80.075845408087
1.59= 80.582654556239
1.60= 81.089463704392
1.61= 81.596272852544
1.62= 82.103082000696
1.63= 82.609891148849
1.64= 83.116700297001
1.65= 83.623509445154
1.66= 84.130318593306
1.67= 84.637127741459
1.68= 85.143936889611
1.69= 85.650746037764
1.70= 86.157555185916
1.71= 86.664364334068
1.72= 87.171173482221
1.73= 87.677982630373
1.74= 88.184791778526
1.75= 88.691600926678
1.76= 89.198410074831
1.77= 89.705219222983
1.78= 90.212028371136
1.79= 90.718837519288
1.80= 91.22564666744
1.81= 91.732455815593
1.82= 92.239264963745
1.83= 92.746074111898
1.84= 93.25288326005
1.85= 93.759692408203
1.86= 94.266501556355
1.87= 94.773310704508
1.88= 95.28011985266
1.89= 95.786929000812
1.90 - 2.34
US legal cups to canadian teaspoons
1.90= 96.293738148965
1.91= 96.800547297117
1.92= 97.30735644527
1.93= 97.814165593422
1.94= 98.320974741575
1.95= 98.827783889727
1.96= 99.33459303788
1.97= 99.841402186032
1.98= 100.34821133418
1.99= 100.85502048234
2.00= 101.36182963049
2.01= 101.86863877864
2.02= 102.37544792679
2.03= 102.88225707495
2.04= 103.3890662231
2.05= 103.89587537125
2.06= 104.4026845194
2.07= 104.90949366756
2.08= 105.41630281571
2.09= 105.92311196386
2.10= 106.42992111201
2.11= 106.93673026017
2.12= 107.44353940832
2.13= 107.95034855647
2.14= 108.45715770462
2.15= 108.96396685278
2.16= 109.47077600093
2.17= 109.97758514908
2.18= 110.48439429723
2.19= 110.99120344539
2.20= 111.49801259354
2.21= 112.00482174169
2.22= 112.51163088984
2.23= 113.018440038
2.24= 113.52524918615
2.25= 114.0320583343
2.26= 114.53886748245
2.27= 115.04567663061
2.28= 115.55248577876
2.29= 116.05929492691
2.30= 116.56610407506
2.31= 117.07291322322
2.32= 117.57972237137
2.33= 118.08653151952
2.34= 118.59334066767
2.35 - 2.79
US legal cups to canadian teaspoons
2.35= 119.10014981583
2.36= 119.60695896398
2.37= 120.11376811213
2.38= 120.62057726028
2.39= 121.12738640843
2.40= 121.63419555659
2.41= 122.14100470474
2.42= 122.64781385289
2.43= 123.15462300104
2.44= 123.6614321492
2.45= 124.16824129735
2.46= 124.6750504455
2.47= 125.18185959365
2.48= 125.68866874181
2.49= 126.19547788996
2.50= 126.70228703811
2.51= 127.20909618626
2.52= 127.71590533442
2.53= 128.22271448257
2.54= 128.72952363072
2.55= 129.23633277887
2.56= 129.74314192703
2.57= 130.24995107518
2.58= 130.75676022333
2.59= 131.26356937148
2.60= 131.77037851964
2.61= 132.27718766779
2.62= 132.78399681594
2.63= 133.29080596409
2.64= 133.79761511225
2.65= 134.3044242604
2.66= 134.81123340855
2.67= 135.3180425567
2.68= 135.82485170486
2.69= 136.33166085301
2.70= 136.83847000116
2.71= 137.34527914931
2.72= 137.85208829747
2.73= 138.35889744562
2.74= 138.86570659377
2.75= 139.37251574192
2.76= 139.87932489008
2.77= 140.38613403823
2.78= 140.89294318638
2.79= 141.39975233453


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

US legal cups

The cup currently used in the United States for nutrition labelling is defined in United States law as 240 ml.

1 U.S. "legal" cup =240millilitres
 =16international tablespoons
 =12Australian tablespoons
 8.12U.S. customary fluid ounces
 8.45imperial fluid ounces

canadian teaspoons

teaspoon is an item of cutlery, a measuring instrument, of approximately 5ml, or a unit of measurement of volume (usually abbreviated tsp.).