
US liquid pint to Hectoliter Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
US liquid pints to hectoliters
0.1= 0.000473176473
0.11= 0.0005204941203
0.12= 0.0005678117676
0.13= 0.0006151294149
0.14= 0.0006624470622
0.15= 0.0007097647095
0.16= 0.0007570823568
0.17= 0.0008044000041
0.18= 0.0008517176514
0.19= 0.0008990352987
0.20= 0.000946352946
0.21= 0.0009936705933
0.22= 0.0010409882406
0.23= 0.0010883058879
0.24= 0.0011356235352
0.25= 0.0011829411825
0.26= 0.0012302588298
0.27= 0.0012775764771
0.28= 0.0013248941244
0.29= 0.0013722117717
0.30= 0.001419529419
0.31= 0.0014668470663
0.32= 0.0015141647136
0.33= 0.0015614823609
0.34= 0.0016088000082
0.35= 0.0016561176555
0.36= 0.0017034353028
0.37= 0.0017507529501
0.38= 0.0017980705974
0.39= 0.0018453882447
0.40= 0.001892705892
0.41= 0.0019400235393
0.42= 0.0019873411866
0.43= 0.0020346588339
0.44= 0.0020819764812
0.45= 0.0021292941285
0.46= 0.0021766117758
0.47= 0.0022239294231
0.48= 0.0022712470704
0.49= 0.0023185647177
0.50= 0.002365882365
0.51= 0.0024132000123
0.52= 0.0024605176596
0.53= 0.0025078353069
0.54= 0.0025551529542
0.55 - 0.99
US liquid pints to hectoliters
0.55= 0.0026024706015
0.56= 0.0026497882488
0.57= 0.0026971058961
0.58= 0.0027444235434
0.59= 0.0027917411907
0.60= 0.002839058838
0.61= 0.0028863764853
0.62= 0.0029336941326
0.63= 0.0029810117799
0.64= 0.0030283294272
0.65= 0.0030756470745
0.66= 0.0031229647218
0.67= 0.0031702823691
0.68= 0.0032176000164
0.69= 0.0032649176637
0.70= 0.003312235311
0.71= 0.0033595529583
0.72= 0.0034068706056
0.73= 0.0034541882529
0.74= 0.0035015059002
0.75= 0.0035488235475
0.76= 0.0035961411948
0.77= 0.0036434588421
0.78= 0.0036907764894
0.79= 0.0037380941367
0.80= 0.003785411784
0.81= 0.0038327294313
0.82= 0.0038800470786
0.83= 0.0039273647259
0.84= 0.0039746823732
0.85= 0.0040220000205
0.86= 0.0040693176678
0.87= 0.0041166353151
0.88= 0.0041639529624
0.89= 0.0042112706097
0.90= 0.004258588257
0.91= 0.0043059059043
0.92= 0.0043532235516
0.93= 0.0044005411989
0.94= 0.0044478588462
0.95= 0.0044951764935
0.96= 0.0045424941408
0.97= 0.0045898117881
0.98= 0.0046371294354
0.99= 0.0046844470827
1.00 - 1.44
US liquid pints to hectoliters
1.00= 0.00473176473
1.01= 0.0047790823773
1.02= 0.0048264000246
1.03= 0.0048737176719
1.04= 0.0049210353192
1.05= 0.0049683529665
1.06= 0.0050156706138
1.07= 0.0050629882611
1.08= 0.0051103059084
1.09= 0.0051576235557
1.10= 0.005204941203
1.11= 0.0052522588503
1.12= 0.0052995764976
1.13= 0.0053468941449
1.14= 0.0053942117922
1.15= 0.0054415294395
1.16= 0.0054888470868
1.17= 0.0055361647341
1.18= 0.0055834823814
1.19= 0.0056308000287
1.20= 0.005678117676
1.21= 0.0057254353233
1.22= 0.0057727529706
1.23= 0.0058200706179
1.24= 0.0058673882652
1.25= 0.0059147059125
1.26= 0.0059620235598
1.27= 0.0060093412071
1.28= 0.0060566588544
1.29= 0.0061039765017
1.30= 0.006151294149
1.31= 0.0061986117963
1.32= 0.0062459294436
1.33= 0.0062932470909
1.34= 0.0063405647382
1.35= 0.0063878823855
1.36= 0.0064352000328
1.37= 0.0064825176801
1.38= 0.0065298353274
1.39= 0.0065771529747
1.40= 0.006624470622
1.41= 0.0066717882693
1.42= 0.0067191059166
1.43= 0.0067664235639
1.44= 0.0068137412112
1.45 - 1.89
US liquid pints to hectoliters
1.45= 0.0068610588585
1.46= 0.0069083765058
1.47= 0.0069556941531
1.48= 0.0070030118004
1.49= 0.0070503294477
1.50= 0.007097647095
1.51= 0.0071449647423
1.52= 0.0071922823896
1.53= 0.0072396000369
1.54= 0.0072869176842
1.55= 0.0073342353315
1.56= 0.0073815529788
1.57= 0.0074288706261
1.58= 0.0074761882734
1.59= 0.0075235059207
1.60= 0.007570823568
1.61= 0.0076181412153
1.62= 0.0076654588626
1.63= 0.0077127765099
1.64= 0.0077600941572
1.65= 0.0078074118045
1.66= 0.0078547294518
1.67= 0.0079020470991
1.68= 0.0079493647464
1.69= 0.0079966823937
1.70= 0.008044000041
1.71= 0.0080913176883
1.72= 0.0081386353356
1.73= 0.0081859529829
1.74= 0.0082332706302
1.75= 0.0082805882775
1.76= 0.0083279059248
1.77= 0.0083752235721
1.78= 0.0084225412194
1.79= 0.0084698588667
1.80= 0.008517176514
1.81= 0.0085644941613
1.82= 0.0086118118086
1.83= 0.0086591294559
1.84= 0.0087064471032
1.85= 0.0087537647505
1.86= 0.0088010823978
1.87= 0.0088484000451
1.88= 0.0088957176924
1.89= 0.0089430353397
1.90 - 2.34
US liquid pints to hectoliters
1.90= 0.008990352987
1.91= 0.0090376706343
1.92= 0.0090849882816
1.93= 0.0091323059289
1.94= 0.0091796235762
1.95= 0.0092269412235
1.96= 0.0092742588708
1.97= 0.0093215765181
1.98= 0.0093688941654
1.99= 0.0094162118127
2.00= 0.00946352946
2.01= 0.0095108471073
2.02= 0.0095581647546
2.03= 0.0096054824019
2.04= 0.0096528000492
2.05= 0.0097001176965
2.06= 0.0097474353438
2.07= 0.0097947529911
2.08= 0.0098420706384
2.09= 0.0098893882857
2.10= 0.009936705933
2.11= 0.0099840235803
2.12= 0.0100313412276
2.13= 0.0100786588749
2.14= 0.0101259765222
2.15= 0.0101732941695
2.16= 0.0102206118168
2.17= 0.0102679294641
2.18= 0.0103152471114
2.19= 0.0103625647587
2.20= 0.010409882406
2.21= 0.0104572000533
2.22= 0.0105045177006
2.23= 0.0105518353479
2.24= 0.0105991529952
2.25= 0.0106464706425
2.26= 0.0106937882898
2.27= 0.0107411059371
2.28= 0.0107884235844
2.29= 0.0108357412317
2.30= 0.010883058879
2.31= 0.0109303765263
2.32= 0.0109776941736
2.33= 0.0110250118209
2.34= 0.0110723294682
2.35 - 2.79
US liquid pints to hectoliters
2.35= 0.0111196471155
2.36= 0.0111669647628
2.37= 0.0112142824101
2.38= 0.0112616000574
2.39= 0.0113089177047
2.40= 0.011356235352
2.41= 0.0114035529993
2.42= 0.0114508706466
2.43= 0.0114981882939
2.44= 0.0115455059412
2.45= 0.0115928235885
2.46= 0.0116401412358
2.47= 0.0116874588831
2.48= 0.0117347765304
2.49= 0.0117820941777
2.50= 0.011829411825
2.51= 0.0118767294723
2.52= 0.0119240471196
2.53= 0.0119713647669
2.54= 0.0120186824142
2.55= 0.0120660000615
2.56= 0.0121133177088
2.57= 0.0121606353561
2.58= 0.0122079530034
2.59= 0.0122552706507
2.60= 0.012302588298
2.61= 0.0123499059453
2.62= 0.0123972235926
2.63= 0.0124445412399
2.64= 0.0124918588872
2.65= 0.0125391765345
2.66= 0.0125864941818
2.67= 0.0126338118291
2.68= 0.0126811294764
2.69= 0.0127284471237
2.70= 0.012775764771
2.71= 0.0128230824183
2.72= 0.0128704000656
2.73= 0.0129177177129
2.74= 0.0129650353602
2.75= 0.0130123530075
2.76= 0.0130596706548
2.77= 0.0131069883021
2.78= 0.0131543059494
2.79= 0.0132016235967


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

US liquid pints

The pint (/ˈpaɪnt/); symbol pt, sometimes abbreviated as "p") is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems.

In the United States, the liquid pint is legally defined as one-eighth of a liquid gallon of precisely 231 cubic inches.

1 US liquid pint 18US liquid gallon
 12US liquid quart
 2US cups
 4US fluid gills
 16US fluid ounces
 128US fluid drams
 28.875cubic inches (exactly)
 473.176473millilitres (exactly) ≈ 473 ml
 ≈ 0.83267418463imperial pints
 ≈ 0.85936700738US dry pints
 ≈ the volume of 1.041 lb (472 g) of water at 62 °F (16.7 °C)


The hectoliter or hectolitre is a common metric unit of volume. It is equal to 100 liter or 0.1 cubic meters. Plural name is hectoliters.