
US tablespoon to US legal cup Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
US tablespoons to US legal cups
0.1= 0.0061611519921875
0.11= 0.0067772671914062
0.12= 0.007393382390625
0.13= 0.0080094975898438
0.14= 0.0086256127890625
0.15= 0.0092417279882813
0.16= 0.0098578431875
0.17= 0.010473958386719
0.18= 0.011090073585937
0.19= 0.011706188785156
0.20= 0.012322303984375
0.21= 0.012938419183594
0.22= 0.013554534382812
0.23= 0.014170649582031
0.24= 0.01478676478125
0.25= 0.015402879980469
0.26= 0.016018995179688
0.27= 0.016635110378906
0.28= 0.017251225578125
0.29= 0.017867340777344
0.30= 0.018483455976563
0.31= 0.019099571175781
0.32= 0.019715686375
0.33= 0.020331801574219
0.34= 0.020947916773438
0.35= 0.021564031972656
0.36= 0.022180147171875
0.37= 0.022796262371094
0.38= 0.023412377570313
0.39= 0.024028492769531
0.40= 0.02464460796875
0.41= 0.025260723167969
0.42= 0.025876838367188
0.43= 0.026492953566406
0.44= 0.027109068765625
0.45= 0.027725183964844
0.46= 0.028341299164063
0.47= 0.028957414363281
0.48= 0.0295735295625
0.49= 0.030189644761719
0.50= 0.030805759960938
0.51= 0.031421875160156
0.52= 0.032037990359375
0.53= 0.032654105558594
0.54= 0.033270220757813
0.55 - 0.99
US tablespoons to US legal cups
0.55= 0.033886335957031
0.56= 0.03450245115625
0.57= 0.035118566355469
0.58= 0.035734681554688
0.59= 0.036350796753906
0.60= 0.036966911953125
0.61= 0.037583027152344
0.62= 0.038199142351563
0.63= 0.038815257550781
0.64= 0.03943137275
0.65= 0.040047487949219
0.66= 0.040663603148437
0.67= 0.041279718347656
0.68= 0.041895833546875
0.69= 0.042511948746094
0.70= 0.043128063945312
0.71= 0.043744179144531
0.72= 0.04436029434375
0.73= 0.044976409542969
0.74= 0.045592524742188
0.75= 0.046208639941406
0.76= 0.046824755140625
0.77= 0.047440870339844
0.78= 0.048056985539063
0.79= 0.048673100738281
0.80= 0.0492892159375
0.81= 0.049905331136719
0.82= 0.050521446335937
0.83= 0.051137561535156
0.84= 0.051753676734375
0.85= 0.052369791933594
0.86= 0.052985907132813
0.87= 0.053602022332031
0.88= 0.05421813753125
0.89= 0.054834252730469
0.90= 0.055450367929688
0.91= 0.056066483128906
0.92= 0.056682598328125
0.93= 0.057298713527344
0.94= 0.057914828726562
0.95= 0.058530943925781
0.96= 0.059147059125
0.97= 0.059763174324219
0.98= 0.060379289523437
0.99= 0.060995404722656
1.00 - 1.44
US tablespoons to US legal cups
1.00= 0.061611519921875
1.01= 0.062227635121094
1.02= 0.062843750320313
1.03= 0.063459865519531
1.04= 0.06407598071875
1.05= 0.064692095917969
1.06= 0.065308211117188
1.07= 0.065924326316406
1.08= 0.066540441515625
1.09= 0.067156556714844
1.10= 0.067772671914062
1.11= 0.068388787113281
1.12= 0.0690049023125
1.13= 0.069621017511719
1.14= 0.070237132710937
1.15= 0.070853247910156
1.16= 0.071469363109375
1.17= 0.072085478308594
1.18= 0.072701593507812
1.19= 0.073317708707031
1.20= 0.07393382390625
1.21= 0.074549939105469
1.22= 0.075166054304687
1.23= 0.075782169503906
1.24= 0.076398284703125
1.25= 0.077014399902344
1.26= 0.077630515101563
1.27= 0.078246630300781
1.28= 0.0788627455
1.29= 0.079478860699219
1.30= 0.080094975898438
1.31= 0.080711091097656
1.32= 0.081327206296875
1.33= 0.081943321496094
1.34= 0.082559436695313
1.35= 0.083175551894531
1.36= 0.08379166709375
1.37= 0.084407782292969
1.38= 0.085023897492188
1.39= 0.085640012691406
1.40= 0.086256127890625
1.41= 0.086872243089844
1.42= 0.087488358289062
1.43= 0.088104473488281
1.44= 0.0887205886875
1.45 - 1.89
US tablespoons to US legal cups
1.45= 0.089336703886719
1.46= 0.089952819085938
1.47= 0.090568934285156
1.48= 0.091185049484375
1.49= 0.091801164683594
1.50= 0.092417279882813
1.51= 0.093033395082031
1.52= 0.09364951028125
1.53= 0.094265625480469
1.54= 0.094881740679687
1.55= 0.095497855878906
1.56= 0.096113971078125
1.57= 0.096730086277344
1.58= 0.097346201476563
1.59= 0.097962316675781
1.60= 0.098578431875
1.61= 0.099194547074219
1.62= 0.099810662273438
1.63= 0.10042677747266
1.64= 0.10104289267187
1.65= 0.10165900787109
1.66= 0.10227512307031
1.67= 0.10289123826953
1.68= 0.10350735346875
1.69= 0.10412346866797
1.70= 0.10473958386719
1.71= 0.10535569906641
1.72= 0.10597181426563
1.73= 0.10658792946484
1.74= 0.10720404466406
1.75= 0.10782015986328
1.76= 0.1084362750625
1.77= 0.10905239026172
1.78= 0.10966850546094
1.79= 0.11028462066016
1.80= 0.11090073585938
1.81= 0.11151685105859
1.82= 0.11213296625781
1.83= 0.11274908145703
1.84= 0.11336519665625
1.85= 0.11398131185547
1.86= 0.11459742705469
1.87= 0.11521354225391
1.88= 0.11582965745312
1.89= 0.11644577265234
1.90 - 2.34
US tablespoons to US legal cups
1.90= 0.11706188785156
1.91= 0.11767800305078
1.92= 0.11829411825
1.93= 0.11891023344922
1.94= 0.11952634864844
1.95= 0.12014246384766
1.96= 0.12075857904687
1.97= 0.12137469424609
1.98= 0.12199080944531
1.99= 0.12260692464453
2.00= 0.12322303984375
2.01= 0.12383915504297
2.02= 0.12445527024219
2.03= 0.12507138544141
2.04= 0.12568750064063
2.05= 0.12630361583984
2.06= 0.12691973103906
2.07= 0.12753584623828
2.08= 0.1281519614375
2.09= 0.12876807663672
2.10= 0.12938419183594
2.11= 0.13000030703516
2.12= 0.13061642223438
2.13= 0.13123253743359
2.14= 0.13184865263281
2.15= 0.13246476783203
2.16= 0.13308088303125
2.17= 0.13369699823047
2.18= 0.13431311342969
2.19= 0.13492922862891
2.20= 0.13554534382812
2.21= 0.13616145902734
2.22= 0.13677757422656
2.23= 0.13739368942578
2.24= 0.138009804625
2.25= 0.13862591982422
2.26= 0.13924203502344
2.27= 0.13985815022266
2.28= 0.14047426542187
2.29= 0.14109038062109
2.30= 0.14170649582031
2.31= 0.14232261101953
2.32= 0.14293872621875
2.33= 0.14355484141797
2.34= 0.14417095661719
2.35 - 2.79
US tablespoons to US legal cups
2.35= 0.14478707181641
2.36= 0.14540318701562
2.37= 0.14601930221484
2.38= 0.14663541741406
2.39= 0.14725153261328
2.40= 0.1478676478125
2.41= 0.14848376301172
2.42= 0.14909987821094
2.43= 0.14971599341016
2.44= 0.15033210860937
2.45= 0.15094822380859
2.46= 0.15156433900781
2.47= 0.15218045420703
2.48= 0.15279656940625
2.49= 0.15341268460547
2.50= 0.15402879980469
2.51= 0.15464491500391
2.52= 0.15526103020313
2.53= 0.15587714540234
2.54= 0.15649326060156
2.55= 0.15710937580078
2.56= 0.157725491
2.57= 0.15834160619922
2.58= 0.15895772139844
2.59= 0.15957383659766
2.60= 0.16018995179688
2.61= 0.16080606699609
2.62= 0.16142218219531
2.63= 0.16203829739453
2.64= 0.16265441259375
2.65= 0.16327052779297
2.66= 0.16388664299219
2.67= 0.16450275819141
2.68= 0.16511887339063
2.69= 0.16573498858984
2.70= 0.16635110378906
2.71= 0.16696721898828
2.72= 0.1675833341875
2.73= 0.16819944938672
2.74= 0.16881556458594
2.75= 0.16943167978516
2.76= 0.17004779498438
2.77= 0.17066391018359
2.78= 0.17128002538281
2.79= 0.17189614058203


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)

US tablespoons

US tablespoon is a unit of volume.

US legal cups

The cup currently used in the United States for nutrition labelling is defined in United States law as 240 ml.

1 U.S. "legal" cup =240millilitres
 =16international tablespoons
 =12Australian tablespoons
 8.12U.S. customary fluid ounces
 8.45imperial fluid ounces