
Dalton to Troy pound Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.98
daltons to troy pounds
0.1≈ 4.4489641535294E-28
0.12≈ 5.3387569842353E-28
0.14≈ 6.2285498149412E-28
0.16≈ 7.118342645647E-28
0.18≈ 8.0081354763529E-28
0.20≈ 8.8979283070588E-28
0.22≈ 9.7877211377647E-28
0.24≈ 1.0677513968471E-27
0.26≈ 1.1567306799176E-27
0.28≈ 1.2457099629882E-27
0.30≈ 1.3346892460588E-27
0.32≈ 1.4236685291294E-27
0.34≈ 1.5126478122E-27
0.36≈ 1.6016270952706E-27
0.38≈ 1.6906063783412E-27
0.40≈ 1.7795856614118E-27
0.42≈ 1.8685649444823E-27
0.44≈ 1.9575442275529E-27
0.46≈ 2.0465235106235E-27
0.48≈ 2.1355027936941E-27
0.50≈ 2.2244820767647E-27
0.52≈ 2.3134613598353E-27
0.54≈ 2.4024406429059E-27
0.56≈ 2.4914199259765E-27
0.58≈ 2.5803992090471E-27
0.60≈ 2.6693784921176E-27
0.62≈ 2.7583577751882E-27
0.64≈ 2.8473370582588E-27
0.66≈ 2.9363163413294E-27
0.68≈ 3.0252956244E-27
0.70≈ 3.1142749074706E-27
0.72≈ 3.2032541905412E-27
0.74≈ 3.2922334736118E-27
0.76≈ 3.3812127566823E-27
0.78≈ 3.4701920397529E-27
0.80≈ 3.5591713228235E-27
0.82≈ 3.6481506058941E-27
0.84≈ 3.7371298889647E-27
0.86≈ 3.8261091720353E-27
0.88≈ 3.9150884551059E-27
0.90≈ 4.0040677381765E-27
0.92≈ 4.093047021247E-27
0.94≈ 4.1820263043176E-27
0.96≈ 4.2710055873882E-27
0.98≈ 4.3599848704588E-27
1.00 - 1.88
daltons to troy pounds
1.00≈ 4.4489641535294E-27
1.02≈ 4.5379434366E-27
1.04≈ 4.6269227196706E-27
1.06≈ 4.7159020027412E-27
1.08≈ 4.8048812858118E-27
1.10≈ 4.8938605688823E-27
1.12≈ 4.9828398519529E-27
1.14≈ 5.0718191350235E-27
1.16≈ 5.1607984180941E-27
1.18≈ 5.2497777011647E-27
1.20≈ 5.3387569842353E-27
1.22≈ 5.4277362673059E-27
1.24≈ 5.5167155503765E-27
1.26≈ 5.605694833447E-27
1.28≈ 5.6946741165176E-27
1.30≈ 5.7836533995882E-27
1.32≈ 5.8726326826588E-27
1.34≈ 5.9616119657294E-27
1.36≈ 6.0505912488E-27
1.38≈ 6.1395705318706E-27
1.40≈ 6.2285498149412E-27
1.42≈ 6.3175290980117E-27
1.44≈ 6.4065083810823E-27
1.46≈ 6.4954876641529E-27
1.48≈ 6.5844669472235E-27
1.50≈ 6.6734462302941E-27
1.52≈ 6.7624255133647E-27
1.54≈ 6.8514047964353E-27
1.56≈ 6.9403840795059E-27
1.58≈ 7.0293633625765E-27
1.60≈ 7.118342645647E-27
1.62≈ 7.2073219287176E-27
1.64≈ 7.2963012117882E-27
1.66≈ 7.3852804948588E-27
1.68≈ 7.4742597779294E-27
1.70≈ 7.563239061E-27
1.72≈ 7.6522183440706E-27
1.74≈ 7.7411976271412E-27
1.76≈ 7.8301769102117E-27
1.78≈ 7.9191561932823E-27
1.80≈ 8.0081354763529E-27
1.82≈ 8.0971147594235E-27
1.84≈ 8.1860940424941E-27
1.86≈ 8.2750733255647E-27
1.88≈ 8.3640526086353E-27
1.90 - 2.78
daltons to troy pounds
1.90≈ 8.4530318917059E-27
1.92≈ 8.5420111747764E-27
1.94≈ 8.630990457847E-27
1.96≈ 8.7199697409176E-27
1.98≈ 8.8089490239882E-27
2.00≈ 8.8979283070588E-27
2.02≈ 8.9869075901294E-27
2.04≈ 9.0758868732E-27
2.06≈ 9.1648661562706E-27
2.08≈ 9.2538454393412E-27
2.10≈ 9.3428247224117E-27
2.12≈ 9.4318040054823E-27
2.14≈ 9.5207832885529E-27
2.16≈ 9.6097625716235E-27
2.18≈ 9.6987418546941E-27
2.20≈ 9.7877211377647E-27
2.22≈ 9.8767004208353E-27
2.24≈ 9.9656797039059E-27
2.26≈ 1.0054658986976E-26
2.28≈ 1.0143638270047E-26
2.30≈ 1.0232617553118E-26
2.32≈ 1.0321596836188E-26
2.34≈ 1.0410576119259E-26
2.36≈ 1.0499555402329E-26
2.38≈ 1.05885346854E-26
2.40≈ 1.0677513968471E-26
2.42≈ 1.0766493251541E-26
2.44≈ 1.0855472534612E-26
2.46≈ 1.0944451817682E-26
2.48≈ 1.1033431100753E-26
2.50≈ 1.1122410383823E-26
2.52≈ 1.1211389666894E-26
2.54≈ 1.1300368949965E-26
2.56≈ 1.1389348233035E-26
2.58≈ 1.1478327516106E-26
2.60≈ 1.1567306799176E-26
2.62≈ 1.1656286082247E-26
2.64≈ 1.1745265365318E-26
2.66≈ 1.1834244648388E-26
2.68≈ 1.1923223931459E-26
2.70≈ 1.2012203214529E-26
2.72≈ 1.21011824976E-26
2.74≈ 1.2190161780671E-26
2.76≈ 1.2279141063741E-26
2.78≈ 1.2368120346812E-26


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The unified atomic mass unit or dalton (symbol: u, or Da) is a standard unit of mass that quantifies mass on an atomic or molecular scale (atomic mass).

troy pounds

The troy pound is 5 760 grains (≈ 373.24 g, 12 oz t), while an avoirdupois pound is approximately 21.53% heavier at 7 000 grains (≈ 453.59 g).