
1 troy pounds = 0.0587755 stones 

Troy pounds to Stones Conversion

Troy pound to stone conversion allow you make a conversion between troy pound and stone easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Weight Conversion


= 451,171.94904719 marks
= 4511.72 × 102 marks
= 4511.72E2 marks
= 4511.72e2 marks
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 8,499,999,999,999,999,975,505,264,640.00000000 nanograms
= 8.5 × 1027 nanograms
= 8.5E+27 nanograms
= 8.5e+27 nanograms
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 0.00400000 nanograms
= 4 × 10-3 nanograms
= 4E-3 nanograms
= 4e-3 nanograms
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 0.00281319 marks
= 281319 × 10-8 marks
= 281319E-8 marks
= 281319e-8 marks
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 7,000,000,000,000,000,000.00000000 attograms
= 7.0 × 1018 attograms
= 7.0E+18 attograms
= 7.0e+18 attograms
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 15,551,738.40000000 micrograms
= 1.55517 × 107 micrograms
= 1.55517E+7 micrograms
= 1.55517e+7 micrograms
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 2.83495231E-16 exagrams
= 2.83495 × 10-16 exagrams
= 2.83495E-16 exagrams
= 2.83495e-16 exagrams
3 weeks ago  converter  table
= 9.13296472E-12 picograms
= 9.13296 × 10-12 picograms
= 9.13296E-12 picograms
= 9.13296e-12 picograms
3 weeks ago  converter  table

Quick Look: troy pounds to stones

troy pound1 lb t2 lb t3 lb t4 lb t5 lb t6 lb t7 lb t8 lb t9 lb t10 lb t11 lb t12 lb t13 lb t14 lb t15 lb t16 lb t17 lb t18 lb t19 lb t20 lb t21 lb t22 lb t23 lb t24 lb t25 lb t26 lb t27 lb t28 lb t29 lb t30 lb t31 lb t32 lb t33 lb t34 lb t35 lb t36 lb t37 lb t38 lb t39 lb t40 lb t41 lb t42 lb t43 lb t44 lb t45 lb t46 lb t47 lb t48 lb t49 lb t50 lb t51 lb t52 lb t53 lb t54 lb t55 lb t56 lb t57 lb t58 lb t59 lb t60 lb t61 lb t62 lb t63 lb t64 lb t65 lb t66 lb t67 lb t68 lb t69 lb t70 lb t71 lb t72 lb t73 lb t74 lb t75 lb t76 lb t77 lb t78 lb t79 lb t80 lb t81 lb t82 lb t83 lb t84 lb t85 lb t86 lb t87 lb t88 lb t89 lb t90 lb t91 lb t92 lb t93 lb t94 lb t95 lb t96 lb t97 lb t98 lb t99 lb t100 lb t
stone0.0587755 st0.1175510 st0.1763265 st0.2351020 st0.2938776 st0.3526531 st0.4114286 st0.4702041 st0.5289796 st0.5877551 st0.6465306 st0.7053061 st0.7640816 st0.8228571 st0.8816327 st0.9404082 st0.9991837 st1.0579592 st1.1167347 st1.1755102 st1.2342857 st1.2930612 st1.3518367 st1.4106122 st1.4693878 st1.5281633 st1.5869388 st1.6457143 st1.7044898 st1.7632653 st1.8220408 st1.8808163 st1.9395918 st1.9983673 st2.0571429 st2.1159184 st2.1746939 st2.2334694 st2.2922449 st2.3510204 st2.4097959 st2.4685714 st2.5273469 st2.5861224 st2.6448980 st2.7036735 st2.7624490 st2.8212245 st2.88 st2.9387755 st2.9975510 st3.0563265 st3.1151020 st3.1738776 st3.2326531 st3.2914286 st3.3502041 st3.4089796 st3.4677551 st3.5265306 st3.5853061 st3.6440816 st3.7028571 st3.7616327 st3.8204082 st3.8791837 st3.9379592 st3.9967347 st4.0555102 st4.1142857 st4.1730612 st4.2318367 st4.2906122 st4.3493878 st4.4081633 st4.4669388 st4.5257143 st4.5844898 st4.6432653 st4.7020408 st4.7608163 st4.8195918 st4.8783673 st4.9371429 st4.9959184 st5.0546939 st5.1134694 st5.1722449 st5.2310204 st5.2897959 st5.3485714 st5.4073469 st5.4661224 st5.5248980 st5.5836735 st5.6424490 st5.7012245 st5.76 st5.8187755 st5.8775510 st

The troy pound is 5 760 grains (≈ 373.24 g, 12 oz t), while an avoirdupois pound is approximately 21.53% heavier at 7 000 grains (≈ 453.59 g).

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System
troy poundlb t

≡ 5760 grains

= 0.3732417216 kg


conversion table

troy poundsstonestroy poundsstones
1= 0.05877551020408211= 0.6465306122449
2.5= 0.146938775510212.5= 0.73469387755102
4= 0.2351020408163314= 0.82285714285714
5.5= 0.3232653061224515.5= 0.91102040816327
7= 0.4114285714285717= 0.99918367346939
8.5= 0.4995918367346918.5= 1.0873469387755
10= 0.5877551020408220= 1.1755102040816

The stone or stone weight (abbreviation: st.) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds (6.35029318 kg).

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ 14 lb av

= 6.35029318 kg


conversion table

stonestroy poundsstonestroy pounds
1= 17.01388888888911= 187.15277777778
2.5= 42.53472222222212.5= 212.67361111111
4= 68.05555555555614= 238.19444444444
5.5= 93.57638888888915.5= 263.71527777778
7= 119.0972222222217= 289.23611111111
8.5= 144.6180555555618.5= 314.75694444444
10= 170.1388888888920= 340.27777777778

Conversion table

troy poundsstones
1= 0.0587755
17.0138889= 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)