
Therm to Joule Conversion Table

Quick Find Conversion Table


0.1 - 0.54
therms to joules
0.1= 10548040
0.11= 11602844
0.12= 12657648
0.13= 13712452
0.14= 14767256
0.15= 15822060
0.16= 16876864
0.17= 17931668
0.18= 18986472
0.19= 20041276
0.20= 21096080
0.21= 22150884
0.22= 23205688
0.23= 24260492
0.24= 25315296
0.25= 26370100
0.26= 27424904
0.27= 28479708
0.28= 29534512
0.29= 30589316
0.30= 31644120
0.31= 32698924
0.32= 33753728
0.33= 34808532
0.34= 35863336
0.35= 36918140
0.36= 37972944
0.37= 39027748
0.38= 40082552
0.39= 41137356
0.40= 42192160
0.41= 43246964
0.42= 44301768
0.43= 45356572
0.44= 46411376
0.45= 47466180
0.46= 48520984
0.47= 49575788
0.48= 50630592
0.49= 51685396
0.50= 52740200
0.51= 53795004
0.52= 54849808
0.53= 55904612
0.54= 56959416
0.55 - 0.99
therms to joules
0.55= 58014220
0.56= 59069024
0.57= 60123828
0.58= 61178632
0.59= 62233436
0.60= 63288240
0.61= 64343044
0.62= 65397848
0.63= 66452652
0.64= 67507456
0.65= 68562260
0.66= 69617064
0.67= 70671868
0.68= 71726672
0.69= 72781476
0.70= 73836280
0.71= 74891084
0.72= 75945888
0.73= 77000692
0.74= 78055496
0.75= 79110300
0.76= 80165104
0.77= 81219908
0.78= 82274712
0.79= 83329516
0.80= 84384320
0.81= 85439124
0.82= 86493928
0.83= 87548732
0.84= 88603536
0.85= 89658340
0.86= 90713144
0.87= 91767948
0.88= 92822752
0.89= 93877556
0.90= 94932360
0.91= 95987164
0.92= 97041968
0.93= 98096772
0.94= 99151576
0.95= 100206380
0.96= 101261184
0.97= 102315988
0.98= 103370792
0.99= 104425596
1.00 - 1.44
therms to joules
1.00= 105480400
1.01= 106535204
1.02= 107590008
1.03= 108644812
1.04= 109699616
1.05= 110754420
1.06= 111809224
1.07= 112864028
1.08= 113918832
1.09= 114973636
1.10= 116028440
1.11= 117083244
1.12= 118138048
1.13= 119192852
1.14= 120247656
1.15= 121302460
1.16= 122357264
1.17= 123412068
1.18= 124466872
1.19= 125521676
1.20= 126576480
1.21= 127631284
1.22= 128686088
1.23= 129740892
1.24= 130795696
1.25= 131850500
1.26= 132905304
1.27= 133960108
1.28= 135014912
1.29= 136069716
1.30= 137124520
1.31= 138179324
1.32= 139234128
1.33= 140288932
1.34= 141343736
1.35= 142398540
1.36= 143453344
1.37= 144508148
1.38= 145562952
1.39= 146617756
1.40= 147672560
1.41= 148727364
1.42= 149782168
1.43= 150836972
1.44= 151891776
1.45 - 1.89
therms to joules
1.45= 152946580
1.46= 154001384
1.47= 155056188
1.48= 156110992
1.49= 157165796
1.50= 158220600
1.51= 159275404
1.52= 160330208
1.53= 161385012
1.54= 162439816
1.55= 163494620
1.56= 164549424
1.57= 165604228
1.58= 166659032
1.59= 167713836
1.60= 168768640
1.61= 169823444
1.62= 170878248
1.63= 171933052
1.64= 172987856
1.65= 174042660
1.66= 175097464
1.67= 176152268
1.68= 177207072
1.69= 178261876
1.70= 179316680
1.71= 180371484
1.72= 181426288
1.73= 182481092
1.74= 183535896
1.75= 184590700
1.76= 185645504
1.77= 186700308
1.78= 187755112
1.79= 188809916
1.80= 189864720
1.81= 190919524
1.82= 191974328
1.83= 193029132
1.84= 194083936
1.85= 195138740
1.86= 196193544
1.87= 197248348
1.88= 198303152
1.89= 199357956
1.90 - 2.34
therms to joules
1.90= 200412760
1.91= 201467564
1.92= 202522368
1.93= 203577172
1.94= 204631976
1.95= 205686780
1.96= 206741584
1.97= 207796388
1.98= 208851192
1.99= 209905996
2.00= 210960800
2.01= 212015604
2.02= 213070408
2.03= 214125212
2.04= 215180016
2.05= 216234820
2.06= 217289624
2.07= 218344428
2.08= 219399232
2.09= 220454036
2.10= 221508840
2.11= 222563644
2.12= 223618448
2.13= 224673252
2.14= 225728056
2.15= 226782860
2.16= 227837664
2.17= 228892468
2.18= 229947272
2.19= 231002076
2.20= 232056880
2.21= 233111684
2.22= 234166488
2.23= 235221292
2.24= 236276096
2.25= 237330900
2.26= 238385704
2.27= 239440508
2.28= 240495312
2.29= 241550116
2.30= 242604920
2.31= 243659724
2.32= 244714528
2.33= 245769332
2.34= 246824136
2.35 - 2.79
therms to joules
2.35= 247878940
2.36= 248933744
2.37= 249988548
2.38= 251043352
2.39= 252098156
2.40= 253152960
2.41= 254207764
2.42= 255262568
2.43= 256317372
2.44= 257372176
2.45= 258426980
2.46= 259481784
2.47= 260536588
2.48= 261591392
2.49= 262646196
2.50= 263701000
2.51= 264755804
2.52= 265810608
2.53= 266865412
2.54= 267920216
2.55= 268975020
2.56= 270029824
2.57= 271084628
2.58= 272139432
2.59= 273194236
2.60= 274249040
2.61= 275303844
2.62= 276358648
2.63= 277413452
2.64= 278468256
2.65= 279523060
2.66= 280577864
2.67= 281632668
2.68= 282687472
2.69= 283742276
2.70= 284797080
2.71= 285851884
2.72= 286906688
2.73= 287961492
2.74= 289016296
2.75= 290071100
2.76= 291125904
2.77= 292180708
2.78= 293235512
2.79= 294290316


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)


The therm (symbol thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU). It is approximately the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet (2.83 cubic metres) – often referred to as 1 CCF – of natural gas.


The joule (/ˈdʒuːl/); symbol: J), is a derived unit of energy in the International System of Units. It is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of its motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N⋅m).