
Horsepowers to Microwatts Conversion

Horsepower to microwatt conversion allow you make a conversion between horsepower and microwatt easily. You can find the tool in the following.

Power Conversion


= 745,699,872.00000012
= 7.457 × 108
= 7.457E+8
= 7.457e+8
= 1,491,399,744.00000024
= 1.4914 × 109
= 1.4914E+9
= 1.4914e+9
= 2,237,099,616.00000000
= 2.2371 × 109
= 2.2371E+9
= 2.2371e+9
= 2,982,799,488.00000048
= 2.9828 × 109
= 2.9828E+9
= 2.9828e+9
= 3,728,499,360.00000048
= 3.7285 × 109
= 3.7285E+9
= 3.7285e+9

Quick Look: horsepowers to microwatts

horsepower1 hp2 hp3 hp4 hp5 hp6 hp7 hp8 hp9 hp10 hp11 hp12 hp13 hp14 hp15 hp16 hp17 hp18 hp19 hp20 hp21 hp22 hp23 hp24 hp25 hp26 hp27 hp28 hp29 hp30 hp31 hp32 hp33 hp34 hp35 hp36 hp37 hp38 hp39 hp40 hp41 hp42 hp43 hp44 hp45 hp46 hp47 hp48 hp49 hp50 hp51 hp52 hp53 hp54 hp55 hp56 hp57 hp58 hp59 hp60 hp61 hp62 hp63 hp64 hp65 hp66 hp67 hp68 hp69 hp70 hp71 hp72 hp73 hp74 hp75 hp76 hp77 hp78 hp79 hp80 hp81 hp82 hp83 hp84 hp85 hp86 hp87 hp88 hp89 hp90 hp91 hp92 hp93 hp94 hp95 hp96 hp97 hp98 hp99 hp100 hp
microwatt745 699 872 µW1 491 399 744 µW2 237 099 616 µW2 982 799 488 µW3 728 499 360 µW4 474 199 232 µW5 219 899 104 µW5 965 598 976 µW6 711 298 848 µW7 456 998 720 µW8 202 698 592 µW8 948 398 464 µW9 694 098 336 µW10 439 798 208 µW11 185 498 080 µW11 931 197 952 µW12 676 897 824 µW13 422 597 696 µW14 168 297 568 µW14 913 997 440 µW15 659 697 312 µW16 405 397 184 µW17 151 097 056 µW17 896 796 928 µW18 642 496 800 µW19 388 196 672 µW20 133 896 544 µW20 879 596 416 µW21 625 296 288 µW22 370 996 160 µW23 116 696 032 µW23 862 395 904 µW24 608 095 776 µW25 353 795 648 µW26 099 495 520 µW26 845 195 392 µW27 590 895 264 µW28 336 595 136 µW29 082 295 008 µW29 827 994 880 µW30 573 694 752 µW31 319 394 624 µW32 065 094 496 µW32 810 794 368 µW33 556 494 240 µW34 302 194 112 µW35 047 893 984 µW35 793 593 856 µW36 539 293 728 µW37 284 993 600 µW38 030 693 472 µW38 776 393 344 µW39 522 093 216 µW40 267 793 088 µW41 013 492 960 µW41 759 192 832 µW42 504 892 704 µW43 250 592 576 µW43 996 292 448 µW44 741 992 320 µW45 487 692 192 µW46 233 392 064 µW46 979 091 936 µW47 724 791 808 µW48 470 491 680 µW49 216 191 552 µW49 961 891 424 µW50 707 591 296 µW51 453 291 168 µW52 198 991 040 µW52 944 690 912 µW53 690 390 784 µW54 436 090 656 µW55 181 790 528 µW55 927 490 400 µW56 673 190 272 µW57 418 890 144 µW58 164 590 016 µW58 910 289 888 µW59 655 989 760 µW60 401 689 632 µW61 147 389 504 µW61 893 089 376 µW62 638 789 248 µW63 384 489 120 µW64 130 188 992 µW64 875 888 864 µW65 621 588 736 µW66 367 288 608 µW67 112 988 480 µW67 858 688 352 µW68 604 388 224 µW69 350 088 096 µW70 095 787 968 µW70 841 487 840 µW71 587 187 712 µW72 332 887 584 µW73 078 587 456 µW73 824 287 328 µW74 569 987 200 µW

Horsepower (symbol: hp) is a unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). There are many different standards and types of horsepower.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

≡ 550 ft·lbf/s

= 745.69987158227022 W

Metric system SI

conversion table

1= 7456998726= 4474199232
2= 14913997447= 5219899104
3= 22370996168= 5965598976
4= 29827994889= 6711298848
5= 372849936010= 7456998720

The microwatt (µW) is equal to one millionth (10−6) of a watt. Important powers that are measured in microwatts are typically stated in medical instrumentation systems such as the EEG and the ECG, in a wide variety of scientific and engineering instruments and also in reference to radio and radar receivers. Compact solar cells for devices such as calculators and watches are typically measured in microwatts.

Name of unitSymbolDefinitionRelation to SI unitsUnit System

=  10-6 W

=  10-6 W

Metric system SI

conversion table

1= 1.3410220888438E-96= 8.0461325330628E-9
2= 2.6820441776876E-97= 9.3871546219067E-9
3= 4.0230662665314E-98= 1.072817671075E-8
4= 5.3640883553752E-99= 1.2069198799594E-8
5= 6.705110444219E-910= 1.3410220888438E-8

Conversion table

1= 745 699 872
1.3410220888438 × 10-9= 1


exactly equal
approximately equal to
=equal to
digitsindicates that digits repeat infinitely (e.g. 8.294 369 corresponds to 8.294 369 369 369 369 …)